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Category Archives: Humor

Laughing Through the Tears

As I’ve often mentioned, the only good thing about Trump being president is that late night TV hosts have plenty of hilarious things to talk about. For example: UPDATE: I guess I jumped the gun (so to speak), as Stephen Colbert’s last night show was even more hilarious than the one posted above.


We’re Russian Into Something Horrible

There is an incredible amount of evidence that Donald Trump is a Russian asset, and that he is now doing a bang-up job of destroying our country. However, this blog is supposed to be about political humor, so here are a few relevant comics: The president is speaking State of the (Soviet) Union The state […]


SNL Rescues the News!

I’m amazed that they were able to put this together the frickin day after it happened. And as someone pointed out, the SNL version is less chaotic and embarrassing than the real thing.


Americans Chose the Form of Their Destructor

Who knew that Ghostbusters would come true?


Happy Valentine’s Day from This Modern World

Of course, you better do what your valentine tells you to do, or you might be in deep trouble!


Recruiting Ad for DOGE-Ball

See if you can tell the difference between reality and parody in this ad.


Gong Hei Fat Choy!

That’s how to say “Happy Lunar New Year” in Cantonese. You could also say Xin Nian Kuai Le in the more common Mandarin. Wednesday, January 29 is the start of the Lunar New Year, and the start of the Year of the Snake, which might be apropos given our new political administration — Snakes are […]


The “Whether” Report

Bundle up! It’s stupid out there! The Borowitz Report provides the weather report for today. Whether you like it or not! Inauguration Forecast Shows Temperature and IQ in the Twenties WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Monday’s Inauguration will see the temperature and IQ dive into the twenties, according to official forecasts. That figure will not be a […]


The News from Heaven

Most of my readers know that I was always a big fan of Jimmy Carter, so it is very good news that Carter was interviewed by The Borowitz Report. Naturally, I will share the Report’s findings in their entirety. HEAVEN (The Borowitz Report)—In a wide-ranging interview on Thursday, former President Jimmy Carter said that the […]


Infowars Stinks!

Alex Jones defamed the families of the 20 children (plus 6 educators) who were killed in the Sandy Hook mass shooting, by repeatedly claiming that the massacre was a hoax staged by “crisis actors” in order to encourage more gun control. For his misdeeds, Jones racked up more than a billion dollars in judgements for […]


SNL Solemnly Responds to the Election

In the way only they can.


OMG, SNL hits it out of the Park-ala

I laughed SO HARD at tonight’s SNL cold open, I cried tears of JOY. This skit from SNL tonight is also pretty funny, and has another actual famous politician in it. Can you guess their name?


How the Election Will Go

Want to know how the election will happen? Tom Tomorrow knows all, and he will tell you!


What Happens in the Booth…

… stays in the booth. Here’s a fun Democratic ad, voiced by Julia Roberts.


It’s Your Secret

You may be wondering why I am posting two videos by the Lincoln Project in a row. Well, there are a couple of reasons. First, this one made me laugh, it is cute and serious at the same time. Second, I do not want the US to be a single party country. I believe in […]
