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Author Archives: Iron Filing

Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama has completed his annual physical, and he is in tip top shape. but it doesn’t look like his insurance company is going to pay for it.” –Jay Leno “Congratulations to Joe Biden, whose daughter just got engaged to an ear, nose, and throat doctor. She met the doctor through her father. They met […]


Protect the Integrity of Local Elections

All elections are important but many voters pay scant attention when national offices are not on the ballot. Tomorrow Nov 8 is a good example. City council and school board elections traditionally were non-partisan but in recent decades have become ideological battlegrounds that have tremendous influence on our youth and our future. With less publicity […]


Occupy Reality – expectation, disappointment and redemption

After much anticipation, Friday was my first day at Occupy Boston. First impression – disappointment. Yes, I expected it to be a bit messy but the clash between reality and dream can be harsh. Despite the impressive number of tents, perhaps a couple hundred, only a few dozen people showed up for the morning General Assembly. […]


Late Night Political Humor

“A company in Illinois is selling a collectible baby doll of President Obama. It’s really cute. The doll can even say a few words, as long as it has a teleprompter.” – Jimmy Fallon “And just so Republicans don’t complain, it comes with a birth certificate.” – Jimmy Fallon “President Obama had dinner with a […]
