Friday, November 18, 2011
©Lee Judge Commenting on racial bias is full of pitfalls and traps because it is so very difficult for us to recognize our own biases. Any idiot political shock jock can use some comment on race to get attention but even carefully crafted, well intended discussion can provoke hurt feelings and outrage due to misunderstanding […]
Friday, November 18, 2011
Fox News needs to study up on Article V of the United States Constitution. Unless Fox is aware of a clause written using invisible ink saying “a rightwing faux news service may amend this document to provide rhetorical cover for baseless opinion”, Articles cannot be added by Fox fiat. Media Matters reports: Fox national correspondent Steve […]
Friday, November 18, 2011
“If we have to sit through any more of these Republican debates, I’m ready for a dictatorship.” – David Letterman “I am addicted to all the Republican Presidential candidates. They are all like crack, in that they will devastate black communities.” – Stephen Colbert “Ron Paul’s campaign is upset because during last week’s Republican presidential […]
Thursday, November 17, 2011
©Ed Stein Commentary by Ed Stein It appears that the supercommittee isn’t any more super than the weak-kneed Congress that created it in the first place. With the deadline fast approaching for the group of twelve to agree on how to cut/raise $1.2 trillion, the likelihood is they won’t agree on anything except a cowardly […]
Thursday, November 17, 2011
©Tom Toles It’s a stretch and maybe a tad ‘lowbrow’ for PI but the Toles cartoon reminded me of this charming introduction to the complex logic of Mortimer Snerd As I see it, this clip from 1939 foretold recent Republican debates. Edgar Bergen is the host facilitator and Mortimer Snerd represents the candidates who cannot […]
Thursday, November 17, 2011
“Rick Perry forgets his own talking points, Herman Cain forgets every woman he ever groped, Mitt Romney forgets he used to be for everything he is now against; they don’t need debates, they need ginkgo biloba.” – Bill Maher “More bad news for Rick Perry. Tomorrow there’s another debate.” – Jay Leno “Someone told Rick […]
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The audio is real: Michele Bachmann Looks To China for Economic Inspiration Along with our jobs, China apparently acquired our exceptionalism, except without religious freedom, collective bargaining, effective work safety regulations, environmental protections and reproductive freedom. No wonder Bachmann looks up to them. UPDATE: Scott Galupo, in a story, goes into great detail on […]
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
©Joel Pett Really? Why do so many ordinary people support policies that primarily benefit corporations and financiers? How do proponents of Ayn Rand‘s philosophy of rational selfishness convince middle class people that the virtue of selfishness does not apply to their self interest in health care, taxes and job security? Isn’t good governance a matter […]
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
“Herman Cain is going to be on David Letterman next week. Cain and Letterman on the same show. Has there ever been a worse time to be an intern?” – Jay Leno “It was so quiet in the theater last night. I’m telling you it was quieter here than dinner at Herman Cain’s house.” – […]
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Many conservatives seem very selective about which Constitutionally guaranteed rights they recognize. Life at conception supported over living after birth. Freedom of some religions is valued but freedom from religion should not be an option. Happiness and the benefits of marriage for heterosexual couples is sanctioned but no love for others.Money is protected speech, protestors […]
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
©Kevin Siers … or Gingrich (the first time, regret will happen again) or Bachmann or Trump or Cain. Seems like everybody is having second thoughts about nominations, including the guy who nominated Obama for the Peace Prize. – Iron Filing
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Thank you Rick Perry for becoming the shiny bauble that distracted the late night comedy writers away from Herman Cain! – Iron Filing “I’m worried about Rick Perry. For one, I’m worried that maybe he’s too conservative. Two, I worry a little bit about his debating skills. And three, I — Oh, what was three?” […]
Monday, November 14, 2011
The greatest challenge to the 99% movement is not the disproportionate power of the 1%, rather it’s the power of a self-indulgent minority within our own ranks. A ‘fuck-it-all-where-can-I-throw-this-rock?’ element plagues Occupy sites from Oakland to Chapel Hill. The unfortunate and stupid chant of “Kill the cops, Burn the prisons” recorded yesterday in Chapel Hill, […]