Saturday, December 3, 2011
©Ed Stein Commentary by Ed Stein Education Secretary Arne Duncan called for colleges and universities to begin addressing the escalating cost of higher education. It’s about time. The cost of a college degree, even at state-supported universities, has for decades grown faster than inflation, and is becoming unaffordable to the student of average means. States […]
Saturday, December 3, 2011
“If you think about it in certain terms, Obama has had a good year. First bin Laden, then Moammar Gadhafi. Next, Robert Wagner.” – David Letterman “It looks like the supercommittee chosen by President Obama to come up with a plan to solve the deficit has failed. The best idea they came up with? A […]
Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Buckley v. Valeo (1976) that spending money to influence elections is a form of constitutionally protected free speech, the speech of wealthy citizens and Corporations have increasingly dominated public debate. Even worse, money is nearly the only form of speech behind closed doors in the halls of […]
Don’t you have to have been ‘here and gone’ rather than just ‘not here’ in order to come back? Jon Huntsman’s daughters have followed up on their hilarious parody ad with a new take on Justin Timberlake’s “Sexy Back”: His daughters may be Huntsman’s greatest asset. Ironically it is his intelligence and rational thinking assets […]
“Rick Perry announced today to satisfy environmentalists he is now using solar power. And this is brilliant thinking, using solar power to run the Texas electric chair.” – David Letterman “I read that Texas Gov. Rick Perry has challenged Nancy Pelosi to a debate. Yeah, Perry got the idea when he was like, ‘I can’t […]
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Ron Chusid’s blog Liberal Values is the first blog I check every day. Chusid is not prolific, about a post per day, but if he finds something interesting, it’s worth considering. I often find that he writes with a clarity that helps me focus my own thoughts whether I agree with him or not. His […]
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Ironically – in a good way – it is the military that is taking serious steps to reduce it’s own reliance on oil. From an article in National Journal: The Pentagon on Tuesday unveiled its first “Operational Energy Strategy,” a plan to fundamentally transform the way fuel is used in the theater of war. Clean-energy […]
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Jessie and Albott ©Joe Weil Cartoonist Joe Weil is a high school student from New York. I just happened to be thinking about whether Political Irony had a youth demographic when I received a couple of unsolicited cartoon submissions from Joe. Bingo, we have at least one! I liked the witty sarcasm of his submissions […]
Thursday, December 1, 2011
“The Occupy Wall Street people are so angry at Mayor Bloomberg and it’s starting to look really bad for his seventh term.” – David Letterman “In New York the Occupy Wall Street people blocked 3 subway stations today. Take that, all you fat cats who ride the subway all day. You’re next, people who use […]
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Ohio Governor John Kasich admits, “I don’t read newspapers in the state of Ohio. Very rarely do I read a newspaper.” There are many levels of stupid but so stupid you think you’re too smart to need newspapers has to be near the bottom. I am struck dumb myself! – Iron Filing
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Yes, you’ve seen clips of Newt lips flapping about Libya before but it is worth watching again and again because without repeated viewing, it is hard to grasp that even a politician as base as Gingrich can spin 180 degrees this fast with such appearance of sincerity and no hint of embarrassment. The two opposing […]
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
How ironic to use a woman’s voice as the interface to a digital assistant that avoids even the hint of reproductive controversy. RH Reality Check reports: After experimenting with a few easy reproductive health questions, it was discovered that Siri appears to have a blind spot when it comes to women’s health. Via the Abortioneers: […]
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Yesterday was Jon Stewart’s birthday. Shouldn’t this be a national holiday or something, say National Day After Jon Stewarts Birthday Day? Maybe not. If we formalized it, O’Reilly would probably declare war on NDAJSB-Day and spoil it for everyone. For now we celebrate under the Fox radar with some of the best Jon Stewart quotes: […]
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
For some time now, I’ve planned to launch a series of posts called “One Man Wrestling”. Today was to be the first but to my horror the Democratic National Committee released their version called Mitt vs Mitt yesterday afternoon. Even worse they used many of the same clips and did a far better job than […]
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
©Walt Handelsman It feels like campaigns now run on forever. Incumbents are fundraising for the next campaign as soon as the last ends. Maybe elections should be held every 36 years. Candidates for president would choose multiple 4-year terms to run for. Likewise Senators would run for all possible 6-year terms at once. Then they […]