Even Stephen Colbert falls out of character and cracks up laughing:
Colbert followed up by tweeting more statements not intended to be factual:
Jon Kyl actually prefers Hydrox to Oreos. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement
Jon Kyl = ax2 + bx + c #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement
Jon Kyl developed his own line of hair care products just so he could test them on bunnies. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement
Jon Kyl was sent from the future to kill Sarah Conner. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement
Jon Kyl cheated on Sandra Bullock. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement
Jon Kyl bought a SodaStream so he could drink *carbonated* tears of the poor. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement
IK is actually Michele Bachmann’s alter ego; it’s her form of therapy through which she purges any hint of rationality from her public image. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement
If that’s true, then here’s the latest ironic cartoon about me — http://i.imgur.com/3zdAG.jpg
Good one Michael!
Yeah, there’s even more (statements intended to be factual but not) at notintendedtobeafactualstatement dot com