Alex Jones on a leaked video. Posted by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
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Alex “Bill Hicks” Jones is your typical conservative. Selfish, egocentric, self pitying, amoral sacks of cowardly authoritarianism hiding behind voters who were gullible enough to buy into all of the rabid right’s convoluted conspiracy laced BS.
“The fact that there is no evidence is the proof!” Is their motto.
I’m sure this will be the fox opinion hosts #1 story …
I would love to know if the interview continues.
I get the whole, know your enemy thing but personally, I am so fucking sick of people like Jones and Limgbaugh and their ilk. But what is more depressing to me than these shysters who profit off lies, even with the White House and both houses of congress, nothing much is likely to change. Between the Supreme Court and the majority of state legislatures, the GOP will continue to change the game to their benefit, despite being in a national minority. I am sick of watching them be better at the game, to the detriment of the American people. I’m losing my will to pay attention given I can predict the outcome…
I give to two charities a year. One is SPLC who traces all the militant groups in this country and has maps to show where they are located. Wonderful group to follow and support.
EEMKAM, you are falling into the trap that the people you despise (Jones and Limbaugh) have set for you. They win when you tune out.
You think that “nothing much is likely to change” and the GOP will continue to change the game to their benefit”. And yet you ignore clear examples to the contrary, like what happened in Georgia, which gave Democrats control of Congress, and ensured that democracy prevailed and Biden became president. The BLM movement has made great strides in reducing racism.
There is hope now, but if people like you stop paying attention, then you become part of the problem, rather than part of the solution. Stop listening to all the partisan noise, and pay attention to the real issues.
I always make a point of reading articles and listening to sources from a variety of viewpoints, including Infowars. I don’t agree with any of their positions, but it helps me to understand how and why people believe what they do. I understand how a large segment of the population was fed a narrative from people like Jones and Limbaugh that led them to abandon what we see as reality.
It’s obvious to me that Jones is in it for the money. Limbaugh was a true dyed-in-the-wool conservative, but even he sold out over time. The trouble is that those who believe them don’t see it that way. They drink in every word because it reaffirms what they already think, and lets them justify their own narrow-mindedness.