Of course there are bad things to say about Libya, but compared to Iraq?
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You cannot compare the two. There was no uprising in Iraq that we supported. Maybe there would of been if Saddam hadn’t gas’d half his people
There was an uprising in the south after the first gulf war and Clinton chose to watch as 100,000 southern shites were killed. Then Saddam diverted and dammed the Euphrates to deny the survivors the ability to grow food and feed themselves.
“You cannot compare the two.” I think that’s IK’s point. When the Libyan uprising began, many Republicans insisted on U.S. military involvement. When in doubt, send troops, according to their views. It’s the one-size-fits-all policy.
Our involvement was not necessary and would have needlessly stretched our forces even thinner. Furthermore, if we had just jumped in without having an exit strategy, there’s no telling what would have happened. Obama got Libya right, because he could see that Iraq and Libya were completely different situations and required different responses.
Clinton did a few things worthy of condemnation but this was not one of them. It was George Herbert Walker Bush who encouraged then shamefully abandoned the Iraqi rebels.
Thank you, David, for that correction. That was my memory of the events as well. I have never been so ashamed of that call for revolt and then the refusal to support it! Does anyone know the background for what drove that refusal?
Basically the Bush administration refused to get involved in Iraq politics
George H.W. probably wanted what has now happened in Libya to happen in Iraq back after Gulf War I. He wanted Saddam out but not badly enough to involve our forces in supporting the rebels.