That’s how to say “Happy Lunar New Year” in Cantonese. You could also say Xin Nian Kuai Le in the more common Mandarin. Wednesday, January 29 is the start of the Lunar New Year, and the start of the Year of the Snake, which might be apropos given our new political administration — Snakes are considered to be cunning, mysterious, and obstinate!

That is the plan. Crash the economy for the middle class & the working poor, so the already too wealthy can buy it all for pennies on the dollar, again.
Ain’t ‘Murikkka ‘ceptional?
Jesus weeps
Message for Iron Knee with all due respect. Get yer butt on Bluesky! It needs you.
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[…] Iron Knee at Political Irony applies the annual renaming of the Lunar New Year to current events in the US. […]
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