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Mark Cuban is an American Hero

I’ll just say it up front: every American should watch this interview with Mark Cuban. Cuban has a lot of important things to say, about Trump (including the debate with Harris, and about Roy Cohn), why the heck Elon Musk is supporting Trump, and why lower-class white people like Trump, even though Trump has no respect for them. It is a long video, but worth every second.

I’m not a big fan of the interviewer, who likes the sound of his own voice just a little too much, but this interview works well because Cuban often takes control of it.

Some of you know that I have worked as a CEO, and it is very refreshing to hear a billionaire talk about what capitalism should really be about, rather than what capitalism has become in our country — all about “winning” by making as much money as possible, no matter who you hurt in the process. Cuban talks about how Kamala Harris knows this, and is working to make things better, for everyone.


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