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We Love Joe

Joe Biden bathes in the love.



  1. Ray wrote:

    I was prepared to vote for Joe again. He may have slowed a bit, but he was still miles above the mendacious,felonious, failed, twice impeached ex-president.

    I will vote for Harris/Walz, and blue straight down the ballot. Sad to say, there is no choice (at this time) other than the Democrats.

    Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 6:50 am | Permalink
  2. Iron Knee wrote:

    Agreed, Ray. I don’t like having only one sane political party. I hope the party of Trump goes away and is replaced by a true political party that has actual ideas and wants to govern, rather than just “owning the libs” and lying about everything. It would even be good to (once again) have a true conservative party as a counter-balance to the Dems. Competition is good.

    Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 11:37 am | Permalink

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