The more you read about Jim Jordan, the worse he looks. You probably know that he was a founding member of the “Freedom Caucus”, which is the Republican group that is keeping the House of Representatives deadlocked. He was an attack dog for president Donald Trump, including being a key ally in Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election, and he refused a subpoena from the congressional investigation into the Jan 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. But it gets worse.
Before he was a politician, he was a wrestling coach at Ohio State, and was mired in scandal. Over 100 former wrestlers have said that Jordan ignored rampant sexual abuse by a team doctor. Jordan claims he never saw or heard of any abuse, but an official investigation found that the abuse was an “open secret”, and that “coaches, trainers and other team physicians were fully aware of [the doctor’s] activities, and yet few seemed inclined to do anything to stop it”. The investigation also found that the doctor had sexually abused at least 177 students.
But even worse, Jordan is completely unqualified to be Speaker of the House, which is the person who decides which bills are brought to the floor for a vote. Jordan was elected to the House in 2006, and in all this time, Jordan has never drafted a bill that was signed into law. Not even when Trump was president. So he is still a jerk-off.
Even those things Jordan does do, he fails at. For example, he has been running an investigation against Hunter Biden (and his laptop) for 10 months, which has gone nowhere. A month ago, Jordan began an impeachment investigation against president Biden, and on the first day his “star witnesses” all admitted that there was not enough evidence for impeachment. If Jordan becomes the Speaker, what are the chances that he won’t be able to pass a budget and the government will have to shut down? That might just kill the Republican Party.
In addition, Jordan is very unpopular with his colleagues, and has been that way for a long time. For example, former Speaker of the House John Boehner described Jordan as a “legislative terrorist”. And now, as Jordan attempts to whip up votes to be speaker, he is doing it by browbeating House Republicans who are voting against him, making him even more unpopular.

Another thing that is strange is that Jordan started dating the woman who eventually became his wife, when he was 13 years old.
Gym needs his very own cozy 30,000 square foot Penthouse cell (actual size: 100 square feet).
Hey! Wait a minute, I guess his past protection of sexual abusers is why he acts as defendant Donny’s defense attorney in Congress!
I really can’t argue with anything you said, but you left out an even more egregious behavior: The “people” who have elected, and re-elected, this enabler of sexual predators are the real problem, Gym is just the symptom.
According to the NY Times, about how Jordan is browbeating Republican members of the House into voting for him:
It sounds like Jordan is taking a cue from Trump, and threatening harm on his colleagues if they don’t do what he wants.
Because my family helped establish our democracy: Follow this down through Hemen Humphrey, you get to me. He is my five times great. They were the people who helped make it happen. Hemen was first cousin to John Brown. All Abolisionist. Down to my brother none have shirked their military duty.
Very well put. It’s hard to think of a bigger jerk-off than Jordan. But then right around the corner comes Matt “Teeny Bopper” Gaetz, with Lauren “Beetlejuice” Boebert and Margie “Jewish Space Lasers” Greene on either arm. Not to mention all the jerk-off voters who keep putting them there.