The comic creators definitely noticed the hypocrisy of the GOP, with many fine comics being created. This is just a sampling.

This one is even funnier. Castigating corporations over their “virtue signaling” for voter rights only points out how the only signaling being done by the GOP — mainly using dog whistles — is for bigotry, racism and white supremacy. In fact, some Republican politicians (cough, Marjorie Taylor Green) aren’t even using dog whistles anymore.

Ironically, their efforts are pushing corporations toward the Democrats. As Electoral-Vote put it in “Can Democrats and CEOs Be Friends?:
The voter-suppression law in Georgia—and before it, the “bathroom bill” in North Carolina—have been catalysts in making the two sides less wary of each other. While all CEOs want lower taxes on corporations, most of them are not bigots and are not in step with the modern Republican Party and its focus on grievances, culture wars, and suppressing the Black vote.
Biden noted that in some areas corporations have come a long way. Ads featuring gay or biracial couples are common now. CEOs of giant multinational corporations are not stupid. They know that many consumers consider the corporate image when making a purchasing decision. Coke and Pepsi taste pretty much the same but if the CEO of Coca Cola comes out strongly against Georgia’s new voting law and the CEO of Pepsi Cola does not, that is going to affect sales. If polls and focus groups show the CEOs that getting an image of being socially responsible wins over more young, progressive customers than it loses old, conservative customers, then opposing the law becomes a sensible business decision, not a political or moral decision.
And these pious GOP’ers are not even embarrassed in the slightest by their extreme level of hypocrisy.
Don’t miss Tom the Dancing Bug today.
Bolling is spot on again-
“CEOs of giant multinational corporations are not stupid.” Too bad the same thing cannot be said of the GQP, its leadership, or its base.
It was a CEO who once asked when discussing the problems of air pollution, “How much [clean] air do people need?”
They can be very stupid.
If you are interested in this subject, read this fascinating article in Politico “The GOP-Big Business Divorce Goes Deeper Than You Think” —