The Republicans were too chickenshit to convict Trump, even though most of them admitted that he is guilty. So they let him off on a technicality (and a pretty lame one at that). I think we have uncovered a pretty severe flaw in our political system, but I have no idea how we can fix it.
Will it require our country to completely fall apart, so we can rebuild it from scratch? If we are very lucky, maybe it will only require the Republican Party to completely collapse, so it can be rebuilt. But I doubt that will happen.

I think it will only happen if we keep the GOP from gaining any more power. Voting them out and keeping them out of public office if they spout off crazy conspiracy theories. Protecting election integrity by removing barriers to legal votes and stopping the gerrymandering of districts will help, too.
If/when the Republicans realize they’re no longer relevant, they will have to change their platform, or face the end of their party.
I think this is a fundamental issue with having political parties. The parties drive and take advantage of our divisiveness. And the idea that the Republicans can punish people for not toeing the party line is itself undemocratic. Our representatives represent their respective parties more than their constituents.
Is there anyone else who hears these things and thinks of this.
Rebuild the Republican Party? On the gods green earth, why? Let it go the way of Tyrannosaurus rex. The White Nationalist & Sedition Party needs to go away–permanently.
Letting it die would be the right and conservative thing to do.
This says it all about what people are up against.
This is the letter Adam Kinzinger’s family sent him (and this is what is leading us into a dictatorship)
Wow, that letter… So Germany has an abortion rate around on third of ours, not because false prophets claiming “45” is a good man, but because of socialist policies that don’t doom a woman to poverty. What we really need is vote fusion, we used to have it 100 years ago, but it gave people choices of what party to belong to and vote with, allowing multiple parties to combine votes for the some person.