Joe Biden is now the President of the United States. There was no violence at the Capitol. In fact, there was no violence at any of the state capitols, despite warnings. I guess this is the way the insurrection ends, not with a bang but a whimper.
Speaking of hollow things, QAnon seems to be in disarray. Perhaps their desired “Great Awakening” happened after all, except that they became woke to the fact that “We all got played”.
When one die-hard QAnon adherent posted a new theory that Biden was “part of the plan”, the responses included “This will never happen”, “Just stfu already!”, “It”s over. It is sadly, sadly over.” And ultimately “What a fraud!”, “Wake up. We’ve been had.”
Even the “Proud Boys” are not so proud anymore. They were expecting Trump to pardon the Capitol rioters, but now that he has left the building, they are waking to the fact that he just didn’t care. Like everyone else, the insurgents were thrown “under the bus” by Trump.

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In a prisoner’s dilemma, the optimal strategy involves reciprocity. The Silver Rule: do unto others as they have done unto you. Ideally with the benefit of the doubt at the start, but that’s a line of credit that the Republicans have run into the ground.
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