Can’t wait for him to be gone? Here’s a wonderful eviction clock. Actually, they have three versions: potty mouth, no profanity, and the Timothy version.
Interestingly, a new Gallup poll shows the soon-to-be ex-president with the lowest approval rating since polling began. Another poll shows that a majority of Americans think that he is the worst president ever.
And speaking of leaving, a top member of the GOP in Wyoming has started talking about seceding from the US. I hope they don’t let the screen door slam on their way out.
Unfortunately my Goddaughter lives in Jackson Hole and isn’t a Republican supporter. I doubt she and her family want to leave this country. She and I have relative who fought for this country. i sent her the silliness. she hadn’t heard of it.
I wonder what Christy Walton has to say about this.
Hm. Federal Aid accounted for 27% of the state budget. I believe the amount in dollars was something like 6 billion.
I suppose I’d miss Yellowstone National Park, though.
I added a video for you!
I’d rather see this person, and I can only assume it is not Liz Cheney, brought to justice for whatever seditious statements he or she may have uttered, if there are any. Secession. Never, for any state.