It seems clear that only fanatics or people who are desperate for a job will work for Donald Trump.

Here is documentation that all four of the people in this comic are unhinged religious fanatics:
- Bill Barr — “The attorney general believes the Christian hegemony is essential to American democracy, and wants to leverage state power to uphold it” and “William Barr’s speech on religious freedom alarms liberal Catholics.”
- Steve Bannon — “Steve Bannon’s Would-Be Coalition of Christian Traditionalists.” Speaking at a conference at the Vatican, Bannon talked about “waging a holy war against Islam.”
- Jim Heath (FEC) — “Head Of Federal Election Commission Is Religious Zealot – Claims Election Is ‘Spiritual War’“
- Amy Coney Barrett — “belongs to a tight-knit charismatic Christian community whose conservative views alarm some liberals” and “Amy Coney Barrett signed newspaper ad that called Roe v Wade ‘barbaric’” (it also called the abortion rights decision a “raw exercise of judicial power”).