I post this solely for its humor.

Abortion Bush Campaign Finance Cheney Climate Clinton Congress Conservatives Corporations Corruption Deficits Democrats Drugs Economy Education Election Elections Energy Environment Fox News Gays Guns Health Immigration Lies McCain Media Middle East Obama Palin Protests Racism Religion Republicans Romney Spying Supreme Court Taxes Tea Party Terrorism Terrorists Torture Trump Unemployment War
4th category: Too evil and agree with what is being achieved
5th category:
I’m in it for personal advantage, money or power.
I encountered one woman who commented on Trump, “God works in mysterious ways.” Later she indicated the end of the world is near.
6th category:
Religious zealots.
R K:
I’d split your category 5 as follows:
5a: Grifters, like the ones drawing huge salaries working on the campaign, directing money to their advertising firms, others with high-paying appointments, etc.
5b: The powerful, including Mitch, who see having Trump in place as critical to maintaining their control.
5c: Those for whom Trump is a “useful idiot,” specifically including Putin and the oligarchs around him, where chaos in America is useful to their ends, and who may care about some specific policies, but who enjoy the lack of focus and direction.
What about just plain cultists, the followers. Like the ones that followed Jim Jones.