Donald Trump claiming that he totally downplayed the seriousness of Covid-19 and the pandemic to “prevent panic” is one of the most hilarious things I have ever heard come out of his mouth. If it weren’t for Trump’s incompetence, far, far fewer people would have spread the disease. Did he not think that hundreds of thousands of people dying — parents, family, friends, loved ones — wouldn’t cause a little panic? Or a helluva lot?
Even more hypocritical, here is just a top-of-my-mind list of things, people, and groups that Trump has used to scare people and create panic:
- Mexican “drug dealers, criminals, rapists”.
- MS-13.
- Immigrants in general, from virtually anywhere other than Europe, especially Trump’s “shithole countries“.
- Peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters, even encouraging his followers to shoot them.
- Kneeling football players.
- Blacks in general.
- Democrats in general.
- Scientists, especially climate scientists, and those who take Covid-19 seriously.
- Mainstream media sources (“fake news”).
- Military leaders (“war lovers“)
- Foreign leaders who aren’t far-right, despots, or dictators.
- People who vote by mail.

Apparently when Woodward went over with Trump about the book’s contents, Trump said it was all fake.
The cartoon is correct. _Trump_ panicked.
Negligent Homicide, Drumpf is responsible for the death of, lets be conservative, 100,000.