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Monthly Archives: June 2017

Trump Attacks Constitution?

Donald Trump is getting easier to predict. When everyone pointed out the hypocrisy of Trump calling his executive order against Muslims entering the US a “Travel Ban” even as his administration was claiming that it wasn’t a travel ban at all, Trump doubled down. And you know he is serious, because he used ALL CAPS, […]


All the Pieces of the Puzzle

Every day or so, we get another piece of information that connects the Trump administration to Russia. The newest revelation is that Trump, immediately upon taking office, tried to do a huge favor for the Russians: Top Trump administration officials, almost as soon as they took office, tasked State Department staffers with developing proposals for […]


Feelin’ Groovy

I remember the era when folksingers were on the forefront of political protest. Are musicians too afraid to do that today? Instead, comedians are filling the void. Here are two more videos from the same Stephen Colbert show: A Math Problem For Donald Trump Trump Was The Laughingstock Of NATO


When is a Travel Ban Not a Travel Ban?

Donald Trump is his own worst enemy. Twice the courts have struck down the travel ban against Muslims he promised repeatedly during his presidential campaign. In response, his spokespeople denied that it was a travel ban against Muslims. For example, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said “It’s not a Muslim ban. It’s not a […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 1, 2017] In a recent Reuters interview, President Trump reflected on his first 100 days in office saying, “I thought it would be easier.” What made you think it was going to be easy? This is what it did to a SMART person [shows 2008 and 2017 photos of Obama]. By the […]


Fight Hate With Love!

Last week, a white supremacist started screaming anti-Islamic slurs at two Muslim girls on a commuter train in Portland. After three men rose from their seats to defend the young women, the attacker pulled a knife and stabbed the men, killing two and putting the third in the hospital. Two Muslim organizations launched a fundraising […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Apr. 27, 2017] The White House invited reporters to bring their kids with them this morning for Take Your Kids to Work Day. Or as Trump calls it, every day. – Jimmy Fallon In case you weren’t aware, today was Take Your Child to Work Day. It’s a great way to see why […]


Slap the World in the Face

The media is getting better at predicting the unpredictable actions of Donald Trump. As everyone expected, he pulled the US from the Paris climate accord. As usual, there is a very good post about this at Electoral Vote, which everyone should read. As Electoral Vote puts it, Trump’s announcement of the withdrawal from the climate […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Apr. 26, 2017] I want to say happy birthday to first lady Melania Trump, who turned 47 years old today! She plans to celebrate with her loved ones. And Donald. – Jimmy Fallon Today President Trump tweeted, “Happy birthday to our first lady, Melania!” And this is historic — it’s the first time […]


Au Revoir to Paris?

© Jeff Danziger And the “Insult Europe Tour” isn’t over yet. Today, everyone is expecting Donald Trump to withdraw the US from the Paris Climate Accord, joining only Syria and Nicaragua in opposing the agreement. Our allies in Europe have been leading the fight against climate change, and now they are watching the US sink […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Apr. 25, 2017] President Trump did an interview the other day where he said he never realized that being president was such a big responsibility. And somewhere far, far away, Hillary Clinton crushed the wine glass she was holding. – Jimmy Fallon We’re creeping up on Donald Trump’s 100th day as president. Coincidentally, […]
