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Monthly Archives: June 2017

Environment Up!

© Jen Sorensen Jen Sorensen has some great commentary to go with her hilarious comic: Most people seem to get the sarcasm of this cartoon, but I’d like to be clear that my intention is to neither deprecate the “feminine” nor celebrate hyper-masculinity. I’ve been wanting to write a comic for a while about how […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 10, 2017] Yesterday, Donald Trump fired the director of the FBI, James Comey, and I guess Comey heard about it right before a recruitment event he was going to speak at. Then he was like, “Hey, while I’m recruiting — anyone wanna be director? It just came up. I just got the […]



© Kevin Siers Paul Ryan is defending Donald Trump’s attempts to interfere with FBI investigations (commonly called “obstruction of justice”) by claiming that Trump just didn’t know: Of course, there needs to be a degree of independence between [the Department of Justice], FBI and the White House, and a line of communication’s established. The president’s […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 9, 2017] A few hours ago, President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey. Apparently Trump still hasn’t forgiven Comey for making him president. – Conan O’Brien Donald Trump, who maybe you haven’t heard is president now, a few hours ago fired James Comey, the director of the FBI — which is kind […]


Kansas is not in Kansas anymore

For the last few years, Kansas governor Sam Brownback, with the help of the solidly Republican legislature and the Koch brothers, has been performing a grand conservative experiment of massive tax and spending cuts. Brownback promised “enormous prosperity” but instead the whole state has gone to hell in a handbasket (a handbasket that used to […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 8, 2017] Some big news from overseas. Yesterday, France elected 39-year-old Emmanuel Macron to be its new president. Trump said he’s worried that, at 39, the president may be a little immature — then went back to tweeting insults at CNN. – Jimmy Fallon In France this weekend, far-right-wing candidate Marine Le […]


Eric Trump Hates on Democrats

Eric Trump doesn’t hold back, and tells Sean Hannity what he really thinks about Democrats: I’ve never seen hatred like this. To me, they’re not even people. It is so so sad. Morality is just gone. Morals have flown out the window. We deserve so much better than this as a country. It’s so sad […]


I Believe

[Originally posted April 5, 2017 by Benjamin Wittes, editor-in-chief of Lawfare. But just as relevant two months later.] I believe the President. I have always believed him. I believed him when he said he wanted to ban Muslims from entering the United States. And I believe him now when he says his travel ban has […]


Where’s the Deal?

For a president who claims to be the best deal-maker, Donald Trump sure doesn’t deliver. Over and over again, when he is asked about a promised deal, Trump will say that it is coming in just “two weeks“. It is just a stalling tactic, because it rarely does arrive in that time frame. He said […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 4, 2017] House Republicans today voted on and passed an Obamacare replacement bill without knowing how much it could cost. Though I’m not surprised — they also voted on an Obama replacement without knowing the cost. – Seth Meyers Today the House voted to pass the Republican healthcare bill before taking an […]


The Real Obstructionist

Monday, Donald Trump tweeted “Dems are taking forever to approve my people, including Ambassadors. They are nothing but OBSTRUCTIONISTS! Want approvals.” Never mind how hypocritical it is for a Republican to call Democrats “OBSTRUCTIONISTS” (again with ALL CAPS and an added exclamation point!), when the Republicans wouldn’t even hold hearings for Obama’s Supreme Court nominee […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 3, 2017] Last night, Melania Trump’s Twitter account liked a tweet suggesting she doesn’t like her husband. But Melania claims she didn’t mean to like it — she meant to RETWEET it. – Jimmy Fallon Apparently, the tweet said the only wall Trump has built is the one between him and Melania. […]


An Environment of Failure

Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the Paris climate accord is very unpopular with Americans. According to a new poll, 59% are opposed (of those, 46% are strongly opposed), while only 28% support his decision (which, somewhat surprisingly, is smaller than the number who say they approve of the job Trump is doing). […]


The Fake News About Fake News!

© Tom Tomorrow Extra points if you can identify every last one of those lying journalists! Why anyone believes the news media would bother making up negative stories about Donald Trump, when it would just be so much easier to just reprint his tweets all day long (which they also do) is beyond me. After […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 2, 2017] Today President Trump had a phone call with Vladimir Putin. Actually, they’re just continuing the phone call they were having last night, since neither of them would hang up first. – Jimmy Fallon It was a pretty long call, although most of that was going, “No, you hang up. No, […]
