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Monthly Archives: June 2017

Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 24, 2017] Today was a historic day, a holy day. His Holiness met His Bigliness at the Vatican today. President Trump happened to be in Italy so he stopped by to say hello to Pope Francis. It went well. There are no major incidents. Trump felt very at home at the Vatican. […]


Unprovoked Attack

The White House has started attacking special counsel Robert Mueller. Why would they do that? Donald Trump continues to say the investigation is a “witch hunt”, and even called it “the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history”. As if that weren’t crazy enough, Trump then tweeted: They made up a phony […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 23, 2017] President Trump is still on his big trip overseas. And I saw that he actually took over an entire hotel in Jerusalem. Mary and Joseph were like, “Seriously? You make room for THAT guy?” – Jimmy Fallon A White House memo contained a typo that said Donald Trump wants to […]


The Privatized State of America

© Brian Mcfadden With all the scandals swirling around Donald Trump, did anyone notice that the Senate is again attempting to repeal Obamacare? And speaking of Trump and Republican efforts to erase everything that Obama accomplished, Trump also rolled back Obama’s changes to the relationship between the US and Cuba, making it harder for US […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 22, 2017] Donald Trump was away from the White House this weekend, so it was pretty much like every other weekend since he became the president. – James Corden But this time he was on his first international trip visiting several countries in the Middle East. His first stop was Saudi Arabia. […]


A Closer Look at Kansas

Business Insider has a detailed analysis of Kansas’s Grand Conservative Experiment of reducing the size of their government by cutting taxes and cutting government. They did something interesting in that they analyzed the results based on the results predicted by Governor Sam Brownback’s administration: Nick Jordan, the state’s revenue secretary, said the administration ultimately imagines […]


The Jeff Sessions

First, Conan O’Brien reveals how you can tell when Jeff Sessions may be stretching the truth: Second, Kate McKinnon reveals that her favorite person to impersonate is Sessions, and the facial trick that she uses to do it: My only question is whether Sessions is related to The Grinch.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 18, 2017] President Trump is having one heck of a week. The Justice Department appointed a special counsel to investigate ties between his campaign and Russia, which he did not like at all. But sources inside the White House say when he found out about it, he didn’t yell or scream. He […]


Keep Calm!

If you ever wonder what it might be like to find yourself in the middle of a terrorist incident, there is a good essay from an American who was right in the middle of the terrorist attack in London. But the most interesting part are his conclusions. I’ll just quote one of them: Keep calm […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 16, 2017] According to the New York Times, President Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to shut down the investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. And that comes on the heels of revelations that Trump shared highly classified information with Russian officials last week. You know, at this point, […]


The Erosion of Trump’s Base

The numbers guy, Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight has been sifting through the data and as usual has come up with a conclusion that contradicts conventional wisdom — Donald Trump’s base is actually shrinking. But, I hear you say, a somewhat stable 35% to 40% of the country approves of Donald Trump. That’s not shrinking. However, […]


Who Would Do That?

Seth Meyers hits the nail on the head. Not just about Donald Trump’s crazy behavior, but also who would believe anything Trump says? It is so easy to catch him in a lie, even obvious lies. Who cares if Trump made recordings of his conversations with James Comey (which he almost certainly did not)? You […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 15, 2017] Well, ladies and gentlemen, I’ve got good news and bad news. The bad news: The Washington Post reports that Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador. Good news: Trump found the leaker. – Stephen Colbert The Washington Post this evening reported that President Trump revealed […]


Kissing Trump’s Ass

© Michael Andrew Donald Trump held his first full cabinet meeting, and of course he started it off by praising himself and castigating the Democrats and calling them names. But then he did something that chilled me to the bone. One after another, he had his cabinet members sing his praises, like he was some […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 11, 2017] The big story still is Trump firing FBI Director James Comey, and it turns out Comey had six years left on his 10-year term. It’s easier get out of your FBI contract than it is your AT&T contract. – Jimmy Fallon I think the strategist thing about how all this […]
