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Monthly Archives: June 2017

Is There a Solution?

© Tom Tomorrow The Republican health care bill is wildly unpopular with Americans. There have been two recent polls: in one 16% approve to 58% disapprove. The other shows only 12% approve, while 53% of Americans want the Republicans to either leave Obamacare alone or fix any problems it might have. So if Trump repeals […]


On the road again

I’m going to be traveling for a week, and probably won’t be able to post much while I’m gone.


Game Over

There’s something that has been keeping me up at night thinking. Let me walk you through it. Donald Trump has been claiming over and over that reports of Russian interference in the presidential election are “fake news”. He, and other members of his staff have also been claiming that, even if the Russians did interfere, […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Jun 6, 2017] A highly classified document was just leaked, and it suggests that Russia may have hacked into our voting systems before the election. You could tell the report was “highly classified” because it was marked, “Don’t Show Trump.” – Jimmy Fallon The NSA contractor who leaked the document is a woman […]



On Thursday, Johnny Depp put his foot in it at a film screening in the UK. It started with him making jokes about Donald Trump, who is rather unpopular in Europe. But he took one joke too far, asking “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?” referring to John Wilkes Booth and […]


Obama on Health Care Repeal

[This was posted to Facebook yesterday by Barack Obama.] Our politics are divided. They have been for a long time. And while I know that division makes it difficult to listen to Americans with whom we disagree, that’s what we need to do today. I recognize that repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act has […]


Trump Embarrassed?

Yesterday, Donald Trump finally admitted that he didn’t make any recordings of his conversations with James Comey. This was an issue because Trump tried to threaten Comey by implicating that there might be such recordings. So there are two questions. First, why did Trump wait until yesterday? When Congress asked whether such recordings exist, why […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Jun 5, 2017] Last week, President Trump announced the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. Trump said he wants the entire country to be the same temperature as a Florida golf course. – Jimmy Fallon In Michigan, a Republican congressman said that God would “take care of” climate change. So […]


Promising the Moon

© Tom Toles The Republicans are still trying to repeal Obamacare. It is ironic that back when Obama was president, the Republicans didn’t have any problem passing bills to repeal the ACA, because they knew that Obama would veto them. But now, even though they control both houses of Congress and the presidency, they can’t […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Jun 1, 2017] President Trump rang in the 1st of June with a major announcement. No one loves to announce an announcement more than Donald Trump. On Twitter last night, he wrote, “I will be announcing my decision on Paris accord Thursday at 3:00 P.M., the White House Rose Garden, make America great […]


The Trump Kleptocracy

Donald Trump wants to slash funding for government programs that provide housing for the poor and combat homelessness. Well, with a bigly exception. The government is proposing to leave intact a housing subsidy that is paid directly to private landlords. Including Trump and his siblings. When Fred Trump died, he left an interest in the […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 30, 2017] We are back to work after a long weekend. It didn’t feel like a long weekend. But technically it was. I hope you had a fine Memorial Day. I hope you took time to remember the men and women who risked and sacrificed their lives so the rest of us […]


The Cabinet of Honesty

© Tom Tomorrow I like the electoral college maps in the background. Will the voters in this country wake up someday and realize what an absolutely colossal mess they got us into? Or will they be so embarrassed that we will never admit their folly? Or asking the same question in a completely different way, […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 25, 2017] This NATO summit was a chance for Trump to hobnob with a number of world leaders and flex his diplomatic muscles — sometimes literally. He kind of pushes his way past the prime minister of Montenegro, like a kid cutting the line for the ice cream truck. – Jimmy Kimmel […]


Communicator in Chief?

© Jim Morin Despite Donald Trump tweeting “I am being investigated” this week, one of his lawyers is saying that Trump is not under investigation and blames the media. So, who are we to believe? UPDATE: Speaking of bad communication, when the House first passed the AHCA, Trump and the Republicans praised the bill. Just […]
