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Monthly Archives: January 2017

Fact Checking Trump’s Tweets

The Washington Post fact checker has started a new column just to check Trump’s tweets each week: For the first installment, they check eight tweets from last week. New installments coming every week.


The Future of Fox News?

One bit of ironic news is that one of the major causes of our current national dysfunction, Fox News, is not doing very well. Roger Ailes, the creator of the greatest faux news propaganda machine in our nation’s history, is long gone. And now, Megyn Kelly has announced that she is leaving Fox News and […]


Ultimate Anger Management

Key and Peale appear on The Daily Show with one last episode of Obama’s anger translator.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Dec. 21, 2016] “Donald Trump loves Christmas. It’s the one time of year where he can say, ‘Those are real, those are fake,’ and claim he was talking about Christmas trees.” – Jimmy Fallon “Rudy Giuliani said this morning that even though Donald Trump passed him over for a position in his administration, […]


Go Bernie Go!

The Senate is already debating the repeal of Obamacare, and Bernie Sanders is already pointing out the blazing hypocrisy if they succeed. One of the advantages of a president who can’t stop tweeting is that you have everything he has tweeted in black and white. So Sanders brought a rather large copy of one of […]


The Left Turns Right?

© Jen Sorensen I also want to include Sorensen’s notes from this comic, which I totally agree with! Let me start by saying I consider myself to be somewhat to the left of Bernie. I favor a Scandinavian-style social safety net — heck, I am Scandinavian. So this comic is not coming from the perspective […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Dec. 20, 2016] “Donald Trump is saying ‘Merry Christmas’ instead of ‘Happy Holidays.’ Donald Trump said he’s a fan of Jesus because ‘I like guys who inherit their dad’s business and then think they’re God.’” – Conan O’Brien “Yesterday, Donald Trump officially became the president-elect after 538 electors from the Electoral College cast […]


Glad That’s Over!

© Tom Tomorrow But, will 2017 be better than 2016? Will people finally get wise to Russian/Corporate/Republican false news? Will Democrats stop blaming other Dems for the loss and unify to achieve their common goals (and maybe in the process wake up, energized, and get a backbone)? Will people get tired of Trump’s terrible tweets? […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Dec. 19, 2016] “The Electoral College met today to cast their ballots for president and vice president. It’s the first college Donald Trump has gotten into without a letter from his father.” – Seth Meyers “Today, the Electoral College officially cast its votes for president, and Bill Clinton actually teared up after voting […]


Ethanol – Another Trump Flip-Flop

Ethanol is a big deal in Iowa. Almost half the corn grown in Iowa is used for ethanol production, and Iowa produces almost 30% of all ethanol in the US. So it is not a big surprise that it was a big issue during the Iowa caucuses. Donald Trump came out swinging, claiming that Ted […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Dec. 14, 2016] “We’re just 10 days away from Christmas! And if you want to know if Santa has you on his ‘nice’ list or his ‘naughty’ list, just ask Russia to hack it for you.” – Jimmy Fallon “The Democratic National Committee was actually hacked because one of its directors clicked on […]
