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Monthly Archives: January 2017

Telling Transition

What kind of marriage does our new president have anyway? They barely acknowledged each other. What a contrast from the Obamas.


The People Are Speaking

Initial estimates (including official ones) indicate that far more people attended the Women’s March on Washington today than attended Trump’s inauguration yesterday. And that doesn’t include marches today all across the US (and around the world), which reportedly far exceeded attendance projections.


The Decline in Abortion

You might not believe it if you listen to conservatives, but the US abortion rate has been declining recently — dropping 14% in the last three years — and now has hit a historic low. The rate is now the lowest it has been since abortion became legal in 1973 (we don’t have a precise […]


How did this Happen?

Several posts in today’s edition of Electoral Vote try to answer the question of “How did this happen”. Or more directly, how did so many people vote for Donald Trump, especially working-class voters and women, when he appears to be the embodiment of everything they profess to hate. I recommend you give these a read […]


Helen Philpot is an Elitist

[From Margaret and Helen. I admit it — I love them.] Trump has skin thinner than his wife and an ego bigger than my ass. Margaret, somebody called me an elitist because I think Trump and his supporters are morons. I wasn’t’ quite sure what being an elitist means these days and I am pretty […]


Gold Lining

© Jen Sorensen This is exactly how I feel. Every time I feel like we should give Trump a chance, he does something so stupid or petty or just plain horrible that it scares the shit out of me trying to imagine how we can possibly survive the next four years with anything intact.


Go Allred Go!

From Electoral Vote: “Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.” In 1996, when Paula Jones sued then-president Bill Clinton for inappropriate sexual conduct, Republicans were rooting that the Supreme Court would rule that no one was above the law, not even the president, and that private citizens could sue the president. They […]


Trump’s MLK Weekend

Stephen Colbert shows that you can still get comedy gold from Trump: Many great quotes from Colbert’s monologue: Well said. John Lewis is all “talk talk talk”, but a real leader like Trump is all “tweet tweet tweet”. PT Barnum is famous for saying “There’s a sucker born every minute”, but Donald Trump is famous […]


Beneficiaries of the ACA who voted for Trump

Fascinating video about people in Kentucky who benefitted tremendously from Obamacare, but who still voted for Donald Trump. They give their reasons, and talk about the gamble they took on Trump.


Trump’s Presser — SNL Style

Apparently Trump isn’t too happy about this. They accused Saturday Night Live of being “mean” and a “complete hit job”. Yes that’s right, the jerk who attacked a judge because of his Mexican heritage, dissed John McCain for being shot down over VietNam, made fun of a disabled reporter, and repeatedly attacked a Gold Star […]


Life Accordion to Trump

Ever wonder why Trump waves his arms around so much? And you know what? Accordions are YUUUGE in Russia.


Liberal Media is Back!

One piece of good news is that the progressive media has become energized and is preparing for the Trump presidency. Every cloud has a silver lining, and presidency of Dubya launched many liberal news organizations, such as The Young Turks, Air America (which shuttered in 2010 after Obama became president), and Talking Points Memo joined […]



You may have noticed that posts have been a little spotty recently. Most of you know I have been traveling for the last few months and as the end of my vacation approaches, things have gotten a bit crazy. Sorry about that. But don’t despair. I will be back home in a little over a […]


The Fate of Obamacare

© Jen Sorensen As someone who has spent a large part of my life starting new businesses, I know that repealing Obamacare without replacing it with something better will make it difficult for people to leave their jobs (with their health insurance) and start new companies. This, in turn, will strangle our economy. As politicians […]


How Many Conservatives Will Believe This?

© Tom Tomorrow Too bad this comic didn’t have room to verify all of the false rumors and lies that have been circulated about Obama during his presidency.
