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Monthly Archives: January 2017

Be Careful What You Ask For

Monday night, Donald Trump fired the interim attorney general, Sally Yates, because she expressed her (legal) opinion that Trump’s Muslim ban should not be enforced because it was not legal. And she had some pretty good reasons to believe Trump’s executive order was not legal, as since the order was signed on Friday, five federal […]


Trump’s View of the World

© Ruben Bolling Donald Trump’s approval numbers continue to drop (eight points in the last week alone). And so far we are seeing massive protests against him every weekend. How long before this really is his view from Trump Tower?



What strikes me the most about Donald Trump’s recent executive orders (EOs) is how badly implemented they are. For example, Trump’s ban on Muslims — definitely illegal (already stayed by four separate federal judges) and almost certainly unconstitutional. And mass confusion with even members of the Trump administration contradicting each other on what the EO […]


This Week in Alternative Facts

NPR has started a new feature called “This Week in Trump’s ‘Alternative Facts’“. It is basically another fact-checking service, but more real time, and focusing on things that Trump and his close aides and advisors say. This week’s lies include: Trump’s claims that 3 to 5 million illegal votes were cast in the presidential election […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Jan. 3, 2017] On New Year’s Eve Trump tweeted: “Happy new year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do. Love!” Enemies? The only people who admit to having “Enemies” are Donald Trump and 8th grade girls. […]


The New Normal?

© Tom Tomorrow Is it possible that Trump is turning out to be worse than any of us expected?


Polling is not dead yet!

In the wake of the presidential election, many people blamed the polls for being wrong about who would win. But were the polls really that far off? Nate Silver makes a very good case that they were not. Silver’s case is based on two facts. First, that the election changed direction near the end, when […]


Voter Fraud, Lies, and Hypocrisy

Donald Trump seems obsessed with the fact that he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton. In particular he keeps claiming (including to Congressional leaders on Monday) that he would have won the popular vote but for millions of illegal votes cast by undocumented aliens, even though multiple investigations have found no evidence of voter […]


Bad Lip Reading at Trump’s Inauguration

This is pretty funny!


1984, Knocking at Your Door

Sales of the novel 1984 by George Orwell have surged in the last few days, ever since Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway started talking about “Alternative Facts”. 1984 is currently the fifth best-selling book on On Sunday, Conway defended the White House’s statements about the size of the crowd at Trump’s inauguration by referring to […]


The Netherlands Welcomes Trump in his Own Words


The Country of Woebegon

Garrison Keillor is searching for a new religion, because he is appaled at all the supposed Christians who voted for Donald Trump. And so the Boy President heads for Washington to be sworn into office, pumping his fist, mooning the media, giving the stinky finger to whomever irks him, doing his end-zone dance, promising to […]


The Next Gen of Cool

Malia Obama recently spent 82 days on an arduous trek in Bolivia and Peru. Even the guides didn’t know who she was. Malia received no special treatment, and “performed chores, including cooking, along with her fellow travelers”. The purpose of the trip was to “examine current political trends, social movements and environmental conservation efforts in […]


Putin on the Inaugeration

Saturday Night Live is on a roll:


82 Lies

Politico put together a list of the 82 worst lies told by Donald Trump during the time (71 days) he was president-elect. And now that he is actually president, he shows no sign of slowing down in his prodigious ability to lie, even about things that are trivially easy to prove are false. For example, […]
