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Multiple Personality Tweets

A data scientist has analyzed the tweets coming from Donald Trump, and says that clearly many of the tweets are coming from someone other than Trump. Probably some staffer. People had already noticed that some of the tweets posted the the tweets were coming from two different phones: an Android phone by Samsung, and an iPhone. We already know that Trump uses a Samsung phone, so the iPhone tweets are likely the ones coming from his staff. In particular, the Android tweets are angrier and more negative. The Android tweets happen in the morning, while the iPhone tweets are mostly tweeted late at night.

You can see the whole analysis (in all its gory technical detail) here.

I find it hilarious that Trump’s twitter account is @realDonaldTrump, but many of the tweets are not actually written by him. But I guess someone who claims he wrote his books himself, but then admits that he doesn’t know what is in them because he only read them quickly, would also have no problems having a ghostwriter or two for Twitter.


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