I’m having trouble finding good comics to post about the Debt Ceiling Mud Wrestling Match for a couple of reasons. First, I’m reluctant to post comics (like this one) that exaggerate, since the reality of the situation is bizarre enough. And second, there really isn’t much that is funny about the situation.
The Republicans are purposely driving our country off a cliff for sake of a thoroughly discredited ideology (trickle-down economics). Fully 80% of the American people do not want budget cuts only, but prefer some kind of revenue increases, especially on the rich and on corporations. The rest of the world looks on in horror as we play Russian Roulette with the world economy. And we elected these rabid ideologues, so we will only get what we deserve.
We? WE ELECTED THEM? No, I did not elect them. I voted for reasonable candidates, most of whom lost. I will not take the blame for my idiot neighbors. If that means I’m not American enough to not claim this government for my own, then so be it. I’m probably going to move to another country anyway to get out of here before the shooting starts – if I can solve my underemployment situation long enough to AFFORD to move.
I agree with Alvin. Even further, the state I live in elected reasonable people. We’re being held hostage by a cult who if subverting our constitution.
I just finished reading The Passage last night. If you like well written, character driven apocalyptic books that involve vampires, this is a good one. One of the interesting things that comes out in the story is how the rest of world quite easily just sealed North America off. What I remember thinking as that was described was, well I’m sure it was pretty much good riddance anyway, considering that even in the book, the US was implicated in harming the rest of the world.
Is there such a thing as a “Good” comic on this subject?
Alvin, I know a couple of guys that say they’ll move to Canada, but they are right wing nuts, so it would seem that people from both sides are fed up and ready to move elsewhere.
If you’re not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. Get active, vote, and when a disciple of Ann Colter starts calling you parasitic scum, continue to use a logical argument in a calm voice, and point out that name calling is one of the pillars of propaganda.
@Starluna want to know something really funny? The video game Homefront that came out earlier this year was based on a North Korean invasion of the United States. The story is set up as a somewhat oppressive dictatorship taking over the United States, but as you collect hidden objects in the game, it becomes clear how easily the world could forget if the U.S. became a liability.
It turns out that the Koreans told the U.N. and the E.U. that they were not invading for military reasons, but doing so to lend a helping hand to a struggling nation in return for their cooperation, which kind of goes awry.
Here’s the intro video, it’s worth a watch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFlosNODqhE
The game, while only 6 hours long, was very thought provoking for a shoot-em-up. I mean, how vulnerable are we to being divided down the mississippi, with dwindling oil supplies and a weakened economic status? Maybe not probable, but still somewhat intriguing.
Falkelord – sounds like that video game is commentary on our involvement in the Middle East.
Sounds interesting, nonetheless. I can’t say it ever occurred to me that these games would provide thought provoking scenarios like that. I’ve been contemplating getting involved in some behavioral economics-like research that would involve gaming technology to set up the scenarios that we want to test. This makes me want to consider it more seriously.
Starluna – speaking as a long time game master, I have used game simulations in business training for decades as well as participated in them, and they can be a very powerful educational tool. Computer simulations have their limits, primarily that they are only as good as the models on which they are based, so combinaitns of human teachers/experts/leaders and systems produce the best results. That said, if you research I think you’ll find a ton of material is out there.
As one example, when I was at UCSB during the Reagan administration we used to play a political simulation that looked at various scenarios around the Star Wars program using different groups of students, starting positions and core philosophies, and it was quite eye opening. 90% of the sessions where the US was showing it could succesfully deploy a solid missle defense system (could stop 80%+) ended with Russian pre-emptive attack before the system went online. That’s whjy I was opposed to it – not because it could’t work, but because it COULD work.