Yesterday, Pat Buchanan stated on TV that the person who attempted to blow up an airliner, but only succeeded in burning his own crotch off, be denied pain medication for his burns as part of “hostile interrogation.”
And then he added with a straight face “I’m not arguing for torture.”
It is interesting that the Bush administration always claimed “The United States doesn’t torture”, but now some Republicans are openly advocating it. Are these people so absolutely stupid that they believe that waterboarding someone would have prevented this incident?
Not only that, but the attempted bomber is already cooperating with the authorities. What would be the purpose of torturing him? Some sick need for adolescent macho posturing?
I find your leap of association rather interesting. One Conservative talking head mentions an intolerant, torture advocating position, you assume the entire Republican party is behind it.
…Seriously now?
From the article linked to in my original post:
Not to mention Cheney, who doesn’t want to give suspected terrorists any rights, such as the right to a lawyer.
“Are these people so absolutely stupid……” yes. yes they are.