Jon Stewart tells it like it is. With 65% of Americans supporting the public option, 70% of doctors supporting it, even a plurality of Republicans supporting it, the President supporting it, and holding a super-majority in Congress, the Democrats are still doing their best to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory:
See also these two ads that are being run against Senators Max Baucus (D-MT) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME) pushing for a public option.
I’ve seen this video on a couple websites today, and as funny as it is its actually really scary. . .
It’s about time someone wakes these Dems up.
In the Bush era all it took was 45 Republicans, 6 easily-intimidated Democrats, and one Republican president confident that 15% of the country was solidly behind him. But for Democrats, a mandate and a filibuster-proof majority is not enough. Apparently passing legislation now takes an 85-seat Senate majority and the blessing of Fox news. The bar will be lower again when Republicans are back in power, of course.
Here’s a brief alternate reality where the Democrats actually deliver on the media’s fears of Democratic control…