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Irony, thy name is Rothschild

Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a top fundraiser for Hillary Clinton and a member of the Democratic Party’s Platform Committee, announced today that she was throwing her support behind Republican John McCain. Lady de Rothschild has been a long time and devoted supporter of Clinton (saying about Hillary’s run for the presidency “I’ve been waiting for this since Bill Clinton left office, frankly”), so it is not too surprising that she is a bit disappointed in Clinton’s loss in the Democratic primary to Obama. Even so, some of her reasons for supporting McCain are incredibly ironic:

  • Talking about Obama in July, Rothschild told CNN “frankly I don’t like him. I feel like he is an elitist”. I am amazed at the chutzpah of any Rothschild, and especially Lady de Rothschild, calling someone else “elitist”. Lady de Rothschild has been described by the Wall Street Journal as a “New York Socialite” and the Washington Post as an “aristocrat”, and met her future husband Sir Evelyn de Rothschild at the secretive and eliteĀ Bilderberg conference, where the matchmaker was none other than Henry Kissinger.
  • Lady de Rothschild also claimed that Obama was “too far to the left”, even though in a ranking of all Senators by seven major liberal groups, Clinton was rated more liberal than Obama. And in a similar ranking of all Senators by eight major conservative groups, Obama was rated more conservative than Clinton.
  • Rothschild also said that she was excited about the prospect of a woman being in the White House, even though they disagree on most issues. Rothschild is pro-choice and Palin is decidedly pro-life.


  1. Pro Tempore wrote:

    Even so, some of her reasons for supporting McCain are incredibly ironic

    Surely you moronic…?!

    Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 3:33 am | Permalink
  2. Hudson wrote:

    Upon hearing the Lady de Rothschild pronounce Obama an elitist, the editors of The Onion voted unanimously to cease publication.

    Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 8:33 am | Permalink
  3. Jet wrote:

    The hypocrisy, it burns!!

    Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 3:18 pm | Permalink
  4. iron wrote:

    Great comments! I’m totally cracking up here.

    I think she feels a kinship with McCain because they both own more houses than they can remember.

    Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 10:17 pm | Permalink
  5. Burr Deming wrote:

    The endorsement by Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild will be among McCain’s most valued. Here’s why.

    Saturday, September 20, 2008 at 7:52 am | Permalink

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  1. […] just before McCain declared he was suspending his campaign, he did manage to find time to meet with Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the former Hillary Clinton supporter who is now supporting McCain because she thinks Obam is […]