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Damn Kid reporters, get off my lawn!

It looks like grumpy old man McCain is finally turning his anger at one of his last best friends — the media.

It has been widely reported that his campaign clamped down — hard — on McCain’s famous marathon media sessions in July, virtually eliminating his open-ended question time with reporters. And when he did talk to reporters they made him stick to his talking points (which, these days, is mostly talking trash about Obama).

But nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition, least of all Time Magazine. In an interview they published today, McCain is sour, prickly, and at times abrasive. When given an opportunity to talk about honor, McCain tells them to “Read it in my books.” When asked about how his campaign has changed, McCain says “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” And when asked what it is like to have two sons currently in the military, McCain snaps “We don’t discuss our sons.”

Finally, an exasperated interviewer asks McCain (with a laugh) “Do I know you?”


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  1. Recent Links Tagged With "reporters" - JabberTags on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 8:34 am

    […] public links >> reporters Damn Kid reporters, get off my lawn! Saved by dafinga on Sun 05-10-2008 Jon Stewart Speaks on the Media Saved by drthomasho on Sat […]