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God won’t give the Republicans a single break

Two weeks ago we reported on the strange goings on in New York concerning the congressional seat formerly held by Vito Fossella (which incidentally is the only New York City congressional seat held by a Republican). Things were pretty strange then, but they just got even stranger. If I were a tele-evangelist, I’d claim that the supreme being is punishing the Republicans.

To refresh your memory, Republican Congressman Vito Fossella was stopped in Virginia for running a red light. He was also drunk, and was on his way to visit his second family, complete with an out-of-wedlock daughter. Vito Finito, as the tabloids put it. Next the Republicans can’t find anyone to run for his seat, but after frantic searching they finally settle on Francis Powers, a wealthy businessman. This despite the vow of his own son (also named Francis Powers) to run against his father as a Libertarian.

Yesterday, Francis Powers (senior) died of a heart attack.

At this point, if I were thinking of running for that seat as a Republican, I’d strongly reconsider. But the Republicans don’t have much time — the filing deadline is July 10.
