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A Speech for the History Books

French Senator Claude Malhuret, in a short 8-minute speech, lays out the crimes of Trump and Putin, and what should be done to fix it. This should be watched by every American. Yes, it is in French, but it has (large, easy to read) subtitles. As one comment said, “this is a speech that will be immortalized in the history books.”


There is a Silver Lining – Jon Stewart!

Well, there isn’t much good news now that Trump is president again, but there is one thing that I would count as a “silver lining”. Jon Stewart is back. Really back. Last night, Stewart gave his “longest Daily Show monologue, ever!

It is pure Jon Stewart, both hilarious and scary in just the right measures. It is just over 24 minutes long, but worth every second.


SNL Rescues the News!

I’m amazed that they were able to put this together the frickin day after it happened. And as someone pointed out, the SNL version is less chaotic and embarrassing than the real thing.


L’État, c’est moi!

In 1655, Louis XIV, the King of France, is said to have proclaimed “The state, it is me!” to the parliament of Paris. Apparently, King Trump is following in his footsteps. Trump met with the governors at the White House, and had a heated exchange with Maine Gov. Janet Mills (D).

Governor Mills says she will comply with all state and federal laws for transgender women, and Trump responds, “We are the federal law”. Apparently, he is using the royal we. And he then extorts the governor, saying he will take away all federal funding to the state, if she doesn’t kowtow to him.

Note how Trump keeps saying he is “banning men from playing in women’s sports.” They are not men, they are trans women. Many babies are born with indeterminate gender, and were assigned a somewhat random gender.

However, the real point is that this is not actually a big problem. Do you know how many major athletes are trans women? There used to be one WNBA player who was transgender, Layshia Clarendon, but she retired. And one trans woman has competed in the women’s Olympics, Laurel Hubbard of New Zealand in 2021. It seems beyond obvious that each sports organization should be free to set their own rules. Why this could be something for the federal government to decide is just wrong and stupid. Many countries allow trans women to participate in women’s sports, and don’t have any big problems with it.

In addition, why is Trump only concerned about trans women? Is he OK with trans men playing in men’s sports?


Bernie Speaks Out

I don’t agree with some things Bernie Sanders says, but I agree with everything he says in this video, and I’m really glad he is speaking out like this.


Americans Chose the Form of Their Destructor

Who knew that Ghostbusters would come true?


Happy Valentine’s Day from This Modern World

Of course, you better do what your valentine tells you to do, or you might be in deep trouble!

© Tom Tomorrow

60’s Revolutionaries Are BACK, Baby!

A huge contingent of 60s counter-cultural musicians turned out on Feb. 8th in San Francisco for “Sweet Relief Presents: An Evening to Honor Joan Baez at the Masonic“. Tom Morello, from Rage Against the Machine, captured the mood of joyful resistance, saying, “Welcome to the last big event before they drag us all off to jail.”

Musicians playing at the sold-out event besides Morello and Baez included Bonnie Raitt, Emmylou Harris, Lucinda Williams, Ron Artis II, Joe Henry, Margo Price, Jason Crosby, Jackson Browne, Ramblin’ Jack Elliott, Rosanne Cash and Taj Mahal.

Also attending was Justin Jones, the black Tennessee state representative who was expelled (and then reinstated) for speaking out. He said to the crowd “We must make a noise when our immigrant brothers and sisters are terrorized by deputized white supremacists who call themselves ICE.” He also quoted lyrics from the song “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ’Round”, which Baez sang circa 1975.

Baez wrapped up the event by saying “Tonight, we’ll celebrate our strengths here in this hall. Music, joy and laughter have suddenly become acts of resistance. Remember this night, and tomorrow, go out and find one thing, just one thing, whatever calls your spirit, your conscience and your lifestyle — whether it’s defending your local library, defending your Latino gardener standing on the busy street corner, alone if necessary, wearing a T-shirt which says, ‘We are all illegal immigrants on stolen land.'”

I’m old enough to remember the 60s and 70s, and the role that musicians played in turning our country around. I even had a show on a radio station back then where I played their music. If we ever needed to be turned around again, it is now.


Recruiting Ad for DOGE-Ball

See if you can tell the difference between reality and parody in this ad.


Jon Stewart shows how easy it is to make Trump look really stupid

Trump claims that USA got a raw deal from Canada. Stewart points out that the trade agreement with Canada was created by … you guessed it, Donald J. Trump, who at the time (2018) called it “the best trade deal ever made”.

But that’s just an appetizer. At this point, I think everyone knows that Trump’s war on DEI is plain and simple racism. But not only is it racist, it doesn’t even make sense. So Stewart shows a video of the head of the RNC, saying “In the United States of America, we get ahead and succeed by merit and merit alone.” But who was the head of the RNC who said that? Why, it was Lara Trump, married to bozo Eric Trump.

There’s more, of course. Definitely worth watching!

One more quote (although not from Stewart) is a short video from Dr. Anthony Fauci that gives you an idea of just how narcissistic our president is:


Gong Hei Fat Choy!

That’s how to say “Happy Lunar New Year” in Cantonese. You could also say Xin Nian Kuai Le in the more common Mandarin. Wednesday, January 29 is the start of the Lunar New Year, and the start of the Year of the Snake, which might be apropos given our new political administration — Snakes are considered to be cunning, mysterious, and obstinate!

© Stan Mack

The “Whether” Report

Bundle up! It’s stupid out there! The Borowitz Report provides the weather report for today. Whether you like it or not!

Inauguration Forecast Shows Temperature and IQ in the Twenties

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Monday’s Inauguration will see the temperature and IQ dive into the twenties, according to official forecasts.

That figure will not be a historically low temperature but will be a record low IQ, experts say.

According to record-keepers, the IQ will plummet to a level seen only during the Inauguration of 2017, which notched the modern low for that metric.

To stay safe amid the plunging IQ, Americans are urged to remain indoors and use caution for the next 4 years.

© Gary Varvel
© Tom Tomorrow

Hail to the Convicted Felon in Chief

I wanted to change “Hail” to “Jail”. But that would just be wishful thinking, as TFG got off with no jail time, no probation, and not even a fine. However, he is now – and forever will be – a convicted felon (if it makes you feel any better, he is a convicted felon 34 times over, since he was convicted of 34 felony counts). He has the dubious honor of being the first US president to be convicted. Even the Supreme Court didn’t save him.

The funniest thing about this is that our once and future president, who showed no remorse at all, claiming after the sentencing that he is totally innocent, could have easily avoided the whole thing if he had just paid the hush money to Stormy Daniels out of his own pocket, which would not have been illegal at all. But NOOOO! he had to pretend it was a business expense, which is illegal. So he is a victim of his own greed and stupidity.

Speaking of stupidity, I’d like to point out that 4 members of the Supreme Court voted to grant Trump’s request to stop his sentencing. This was a New York trial, and the US Supreme Court has no right to mess with the trial at all. Worst of all, 4 members of the US Supreme Court clearly believe that the president is completely above the law, even before he was first elected. How idiotic is that?

In case you can’t guess who the four are: Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh. I think they deserve to be impeached.

© Clay Bennett

The News from Heaven

Most of my readers know that I was always a big fan of Jimmy Carter, so it is very good news that Carter was interviewed by The Borowitz Report. Naturally, I will share the Report’s findings in their entirety.

HEAVEN (The Borowitz Report)—In a wide-ranging interview on Thursday, former President Jimmy Carter said that the best part of Heaven “by far” is the knowledge that he will never see Donald J. Trump again.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m very grateful for the gift of eternal life,” he said. “But an eternity without Trump is the greatest gift of all.”

Carter said that he was “far from alone” in appreciating his Trump-free existence, adding, “Nelson Mandela just said the same thing.”

Asked if he had seen Trump on cable news criticizing his sale of the Panama Canal, Carter responded, “We don’t have cable news up here. I’ve heard it’s on nonstop in the other place.”

RIP Jimmy!

And here’s another Borowitz Report related to Carter that is worth a read.


Bringing on the Torment

Spewing hate and vengeance!

© Graeme MacKay