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Tag Archives: Mitt Romney

Unity, Trump Style

Campaigning in two battleground states, Donald Trump called for GOP unity, saying it was time for Republicans to stop attacking one another. And then, of course, he immediately starting attacking Mitt Romney, the most recent Republican presidential candidate, saying “Mitt Romney is a sad case. He choked. You know what a choke artist is? You […]


Magic Mitt

© Tom Tomorrow If you just believe hard enough, gosh, anything is possible! History is littered with the carcasses of failed empires that started believing their own PR.


Whichever Way the Wind Blows

© Adam Zyglis Here’s the problem with ideology. Especially the ideology of thinking that it is a good idea to starve the federal government until you can drown it in the bathtub. It sounds appealing … until it runs into real life. As they say, “In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, […]


Politician Debate Thyself

Stephen Colbert is brilliant:


Foreign Policy

© Jeff Danziger It’s always Florida!


The Closer We Get To The Election, The Dumber Mitt Romney Appears To Be Getting

Jon Stewart is devastatingly brilliant:


Mitt Romney, Generic Republican

Good luck pinning him down. And even if you do, he’ll just say the opposite in a day or two. He’s the ultimate generic candidate. And he loves everything, except vampires.


Rejected Campaign Slogans

© Brian McFadden Let the election begin! It’s going to be the dirtiest campaign you’ve ever seen. I would say: Hide the children and check the plumbing because you’re going to have to shower several times a day. – Charles Krauthammer


One Man Wrestling: Mitt v Romney Edition, Round 1

For some time now, I’ve planned to launch a series of posts called “One Man Wrestling”. Today was to be the first but to my horror the Democratic National Committee released their version called Mitt vs Mitt yesterday afternoon. Even worse they used many of the same clips and did a far better job than […]


Geneology of Romney Campaign Lies

©Mike Luckovich Mitt Romney’s very first 2012 campaign TV ad is, according to Politifact, a flat out pants-on-fire lie. There is a perverse line of deceit leading from Geoge Bush’s 2000 primary campaign, through McCain’s 2008 primary campaign to Romney’s current primary campaign. McCain’s loss to George Bush in 2000 was largely due to a […]


Everything Old Is Newt Again but Newt Will Soon Be Old Again

One difference between Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney is that Mitt’s stand on issues changes whenever convenient whereas Newt holds conflicting opinions simultaneously, for a price. Mitt doesn’t have a strong core but he does seem sincere as he swings in the breeze. On the other hand, Newt has a very strong core but it’s […]
