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Tag Archives: Economy

The Debt Will Jump Under Trump

Will Republicans start accusing the Wall Street Journal (owned by the same people who own Fox News) of having a liberal bias? It wouldn’t surprise me after they published an article titled “Study Sees Debt Jumping Under Trump, Staying Steady Under Clinton“. This is not just the WSJ’s opinion. Several studies have analyzed the tax […]


Theory and Practice

The UK Brexit vote has politicians and pundits theorizing about how that vote, and the ensuing economic turmoil, could have any parallels in Donald Trump’s campaign for the US presidency. After all, both Trump and Brexit are fueled by anti-immigrant sentiment and isolationist reactions to increasing globalism. For a minute, let’s ignore the irony of […]


Racists, Bigots, and Trump

There are many theories of why people support Donald Trump. One theory is that the voters are angry and hate the political establishment. Middle class workers have been hurt by the economy and are desperate to find someone who can shake things up. Or at least stand up to the special interests who are sucking […]


Elizabeth Warren on Donald Trump

You’ve probably heard a few sound bites from this speech, but likely nothing from the most important part. Trump claims that he can’t be bought, but now that he is the presumptive Republican nominee, he has pivoted and is now begging for money from the same Wall Street bankers who already own our political system […]


Trump Might Just Destroy the World Economy

If you were worried about whether Donald Trump would destroy our economy, you don’t have to worry any more. In an interview last week on CNBC, Trump explained how he was going to destroy our economy. Bonus points: he will not just destroy our economy, but likely most of the world economy. Don’t believe me? […]


Bankers for Bernie

There was an article in Politico last week titled “Bankers for Bernie“, about bankers and financiers who support Bernie Sanders. Frankly, there should be many more of them. After all, if you know anything at all about finance and economics, you should know that they are not a zero-sum game. As they say, a rising […]


Gloom and Doom

One of my favorite things is checking up on people’s predictions of the future. Even better is when someone else does the checking up for me. Which brings us to this interesting article in ThinkProgress, containing four predictions made before the 2012 election of the dire things that would happen if Obama was reelected. The […]


Third Time’s a Charm?

Republicans keep trying to create a conservative utopia, with predictable results. First there was Kansas, where Sam Brownback showed us how to cut taxes and destroy the social safety net, and when that failed, they doubled down with even more tax cuts (for the rich) and spending cuts, with disastrous results. But did they learn? […]


Reality-Based Politics

I’ve posted in the past about how efforts to create the conservative Republican utopia have failed miserably – first in Kansas under governor Sam Brownback and then in Wisconsin under Scott Walker. I’ve also posted about how when progressive Democrats took over in California under Jerry Brown and the economy improved dramatically. Could that have […]


Socializing Socialism?

Bernie Sanders has finally defined what he means by “Democratic Socialism”. What I mean by Democratic socialism is looking at countries in Scandinavia that have much lower rates of child poverty, that have a fairer tax system that guarantees basic necessities of life to working people. Essentially what I mean by that is creating a […]


The Truth About Poverty

The Census Bureau just released their annual report on poverty, and Vox took a close look at the details, revealing information that may come as a surprise to many people. Some people like to paint the poor as shiftless, lazy freeloaders, who refuse to work or otherwise make bad choices. But the numbers say otherwise. […]


Logical Conclusion

© Dan Wasserman There’s just one thing standing in the way of repairing our crumbling infrastructure, putting even more people back to work, and revving up the economy to new heights.


Just Another Bush?

Why would anyone think that Jeb Bush would be any different from his family? Not just his father and his brother, but also his grandfather, who profited from the rise of Nazi Germany. It bad enough that Jeb Bush has said that he still supports the invasion of Iraq and that he might use torture […]


Building a Wall

Republicans, especially their presidential candidates, seem unified in their desire to rid the country of illegal immigrants. Yes, I know, they are only in favor of this in order to get votes from their troglodyte base, but it still would be helpful for someone to look into what it would take in order to actually […]


Budget in the Eye of the Beholder

© Joel Pett Republicans say we have to cut spending. Well, except for military spending. And subsidies for the fossil fuel industry. And all their other pet projects … But one thing is clear. Republicans are in favor of spending that benefits the rich (like tax cuts), but against spending the benefits the poor (like […]
