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Tag Archives: Conservatives

Risky Business

© Tom Tomorrow Why is it that people become terrified over insignificant things, while totally ignoring the things that are really killing us. And I think I am safe to say that this is not something that is limited to right wingers. For example, liberals who are afraid of immunizations. In fact, liberals are generally […]


Foundation of Civilization?

The Family Research Council (FRC) says that their mission is “to champion marriage and family as the foundation of civilization, the seedbed of virtue, and the wellspring of society”, which is social conservative speak meaning that they fight against same sex marriage. They seem to be losing the gay marriage battle, and it sounds like […]


Sporting Chance

John Oliver on corporate welfare of the worst kind: And the biggest hypocrite of all is presidential candidate Scott Walker, who claims to be a fiscal conservative (he’s famous for his union busting tactics and for deep cuts to the state university system). Walker just gave away $450 million of taxpayer money to build a […]


Party of No See, Hear, Speak

© Rebecca Hendin In the not too distant past, vast herds of conservative elephants roamed the great savannas of middle America, but today due to inevitable habitat loss and demographic changes, they are on their way to being endangered, if not eventually extinct.


Fox News is Killing the GOP

A recent article in Salon starts with a headline that says it all: “Sean Hannity is killing the GOP: Fox News & conservative media have the party in a stranglehold“. At one point the Republicans might have thought Fox News was on their side, but one has to wonder what the GOP is thinking now […]


GOP Silver Linings

© David Horsey Do you ever wonder why so little of the radical conservative agenda ever becomes reality? For example, even when the GOP controlled all three branches of our government, abortion remained legal. Remember when gays were the favorite whipping boys of Republican political candidates? And now, the Supreme Court opinion legalizing same sex […]


Kansas Trickles Down

Under the “leadership” of conservative governor Sam “trickle down economics” Brownback – who instituted massive tax and spending cuts and promised “enormous prosperity” – Kansas has instead gone to hell in a handbasket. Now, things are getting even worse there. The state is completely controlled by Republicans, but they don’t seem to be able to […]


The Week in Review

© Tom Tomorrow Who could have predicted that the week when I went out of town could have produced so much irony in my absence! My only question is, should I go on vacation more often?


Separation of Powers

One of the big complaints recently about Obama has been that he is acting like a king or dictator, doing end-runs around Congress such as allowing illegal aliens to avoid being deported. After all, we have three branches of government to provide checks and balances. So it surprised me when Ted Cruz said Monday that […]



Yesterday, Ted Cruz (R-TX) announced he was running for the presidency, giving a speech that has already been fact-checked and unsurprisingly found to be lacking in truth. Our favorite presidential election results predictor,, says that “Cruz almost certainly has no shot at winning the nomination, according to every indicator that predicts success in presidential […]


Beating a Dead Horse

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), in a craven attempt to burnish his ultra-conservative credentials (probably for the upcoming Republican presidential primary), has introduced a bill that would strip federal benefits from same-sex couples and leave it up to the states to restrict marriage as the union of one man and one woman. On his website, Cruz […]


Hit Bottom Yet?

I’ve repeatedly reported on the great Conservative Utopia experiment going on in Kansas (headquarters of the conservative Koch browsers). Naturally, every time they get bad news, the conservatives just double down on cutting even more taxes and destroying even more of the social safety net, claiming that they just have to keep doing the same […]


Ayn Rand Reviews Children’s Movies

[excerpted from The New Yorker] “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” An industrious young woman neglects to charge for her housekeeping services and is rightly exploited for her naïveté. She dies without ever having sought her own happiness as the highest moral aim. I did not finish watching this movie, finding it impossible to sympathize […]


Colbert interviews Smaug

See also the photos of Colbert dressing up like various characters from the movie. What does this have to do with politics? I have absolutely no idea.


Conservative Utopia?

This blog reported in August about how Kansas senator Sam Brownback was creating a conservative utopia with no taxes for businesses, and massive cuts to schools and other social programs. He had plenty of help from the Koch brothers, who are headquartered in Wichita. And the state legislature, after getting rid of most of those […]
