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Late Night Political Humor

“We are very excited to have the president of the United States on the show tonight. As you know, he only does these shows maybe once or twice a week.” – Jay Leno

[Leno and Obama]
Leno to Obama: “What’s this thing with Trump and you? It’s like me and Letterman. I don’t get it.”
Obama: “This all dates back to when we were growing up together in Kenya.”

“Donald Trump said he’d give $5 million to charity if President Obama released his college transcripts. Obama responded by sending Trump a full transcript from his alma mater, the University of Shove It Up Your Ass.” – Conan O’Brien

“Actually, do you know why the president is here tonight? Do you know the real reason? To talk to NBC about canceling ‘The Apprentice’.” – Jay Leno

“The first lady will be a guest on our show tomorrow. She’ll be here to promote her new reality show, ‘America’s Next Top Lady’.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I’m excited to get a chance to interview the first lady and excited about partying with her Secret Service agents after the show.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“A new poll found that 59 percent of Americans would rather eat a burger with President Obama while only 41 percent would eat one with Mitt Romney. While most Americans don’t care who they’re with, as long as they get that burger. ” – Jimmy Fallon

“Even though he’s spending all day on Air Force One, there’s an office on the plane where the president can work. It’s just like being in Washington. He’s got the desk, he’s got the computer, and he even has a closet that has a group of Republicans who pop out and block anything he tries to do.” – Jay Leno

“Experts say the entire 2012 election could come down to just eight states. The states are: confusion, dismay, depression, apathy, shock, disbelief, despair, and anxiety. Those are the eight states.” – Jay Leno

“Do you know who is endorsing Mitt Romney? Lindsay Lohan. It may seem silly to you but not to the Romney campaign. They’re very excited. They said they have a chance now to get the shoplifter vote.” – David Letterman

“A source close to Mitt Romney revealed that he gets a spray tan before major campaign events. I guess that explains his new Secret Service code name: ‘The Mittuation.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Earlier today, vice-presidential hopeful Paul Ryan gave a major policy address on poverty. We’re still not sure whether he’s for it or against it, but he was talking about poverty.” – David Letterman


Guess the Fundamentalists!

Slate has an interesting quiz. They have a list of nine quotes, and you are supposed to figure out if they were said by a Christian social conservative leader, or by an Islamic fundamentalist leader.

Some of the quotes are easy because they were recently in the news, even though they sound completely crazy. Like this one:

A child who disrespects his parents must be permanently removed from society in a way that gives an example to all other children of the importance of respect for parents. The death penalty for rebellious children is not something to be taken lightly.

Not only did a Republican politician say this, but he wrote it in a book called God’s Law: The Only Political Solution. On the bright side, his modest proposal would certainly solve our overpopulation problems.


Mitt Romney Style

If you somehow missed the internet meme that inspired this, here it is — Gangnam Style. Ironically, PSY’s Gangnam Style video is making fun of the uber-affluent, soul-less area of Seoul “where people are rich, girls are pretty and everything is supposed to be cool“. And where people own horses they don’t ride. Sound familiar?


Why Obama Now

An animation written and directed by Lucas Gray, who is an animator for the Simpsons and Family Guy. The audio is a speech by Obama.



© Ruben Bolling

My favorite is “Diarrhyan”, but mostly because I had to say it out loud before I got the joke. After that, I got “HemorRoves” much more quickly.


Late Night Political Humor

“Did you see the debate last night? It was the same stuff, but here’s what was different. In the first debate they were at podiums. The second debate, it was stools. Last night, chairs and desks. The next debate – yoga mats.” – David Letterman

“Last night’s debate was held in Boca Raton, Florida. Romney actually has a three-point lead among Florida voters. Of course, he still faces a major obstacle — making sure those voters are still alive for the election.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Last night the debate was all about the undecideds, but here’s what happened. The undecideds decided not to watch.” – David Letterman

“Did you all watch the debate last night? I have to admit, I was one of those undecideds. I couldn’t decide whether to watch the baseball game or the football game.” – Jay Leno

“During last night’s debate, moderator Bob Schieffer mistakenly referred to Osama bin Laden as ‘Obama bin Laden.’ Everyone at CBS news was really embarrassed, while Fox News was like, ‘We’ll take him!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“That was some debate last night. At one point moderator Bob Schieffer said ‘Obama bin Laden.’ It was right before he called Romney ‘Adolf Mittler’.” – Jay Leno

“Last night President Obama finally found a Republican who agreed with him — Mitt Romney.” – Jay Leno

“After the debate last night, experts agreed that President Obama won on substance and I thought: Well, big deal, Lance Armstrong won on several substances.” – David Letterman

“One of President Obama’s winning points last night was about how sanctions against Iran are crippling their economy. And believe me, if anyone knows how to cripple an economy, it’s President Obama.” – Jay Leno

“Today a poll found that President Obama won last night’s debate among a voting block known as ‘Walmart moms’. And Mitt Romney won the debate according to a voting block that wouldn’t be caught dead at Walmart.” – Jay Leno

“During last night’s debate, President Obama told Mitt Romney, ‘The 1980s called and they want their foreign policy back.’ Romney tried to deliver a comeback but then his beeper went off.” – Jay Leno

“As part of a new ‘transparency series,’ McDonald’s is releasing videos that show how its food is made. It involves horses and bayonets.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Obama and Romney aren’t the only people running for president. A number of other candidates faced off in a debate tonight in Chicago moderated by Larry King, who was the only person anyone knew on the stage.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“A lot of crazy rumors are starting to surface about the two candidates. A man is claiming that President Obama used and sold cocaine in college. On the bright side, if this is true, it means Obama does have business experience.” – Jay Leno

“Mitt Romney is so rich he hired extra housekeepers just to launder his money.” – David Letterman

“Donald Trump announced that he will announce something big tomorrow, some very big news about President Obama. So it must be big news because it isn’t like him to make a big deal out of something that isn’t news.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Trump is promising an October surprise tomorrow. Typically that’s a shocking news story that can change the outcome of an election. At this point I don’t know what information Trump could have. Will he reveal that Obama is the guy that has been styling his hair for the last 20 years? That could be bad for Obama.” – Jimmy Kimmel



© Matt Wuerker

Finally! A comic that voices something that I’ve been wondering about. I keep hearing Republicans ripping into Obama for not preventing the attack that killed the US Ambassador in Libya. Should they have had more security? Were there clear warning signs?

Give me a friggin break! You have to be kidding me. What happened to “Nobody could have predicted the 9/11 attacks?” Or even worse, completely screwing up the intel on Iraq. Repeatedly. Or how about “Nobody could have predicted hurricane Katrina?”

And I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Anyone who questioned Dubya after 9/11 was immediately attacked as unpatriotic. And yet these same clowns have no problem questioning everything that Obama does. They won’t even wait until we have all the information. And if they don’t like the information when it does come, they will make things up. It makes me sick.


Late Night Political Humor

“Tonight President Obama and Mitt Romney hold their final debate in Boca Raton, Florida. The topic of the debate is what is more shocking to see in Boca Raton, a Mormon or a black guy.” – Conan O’Brien

“Tonight is the third and final presidential debate between former Governor Mitt Romney and future former President Barack Obama. Now I’m TiVoing it, so nobody tell me whether the moderate or conservative Romney kicked the lethargic or energetic Obama’s ass.” – Stephen Colbert

“The final presidential debate was held tonight in Boca Raton, Florida, and was moderated by 75-year-old Bob Schieffer from CBS News. That’s right, 75 years old – or as Florida residents call that, ‘a tween’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today is the last presidential debate. It was moderated by newsman Bob Schieffer. I think he did a great job, but gave too much time to ‘candidate you disagree with,’ and he didn’t let ‘the guy who should be president’ respond to those ‘outrageous lies or important points, depending on your point of view’.” – Craig Ferguson

“Tonight was the third and final presidential debate. The good news? Tonight was the third and final presidential debate.” – Jay Leno

“Tonight President Obama and Mitt Romney debate foreign policy. Pundits say it will be close, but it will probably go to the candidate who wore the ‘I killed Osama bin Laden’ T-shirt.” – Conan O’Brien

“Pundits are saying Mitt Romney won the first debate, and the second debate probably was won by President Obama. Whoever wins the third debate, held tonight, will meet the Tigers in the World Series.” – David Letterman

“The debates made it to three episodes. That makes it NBC’s most successful show so far this season.” – Jay Leno

“Oh please, Mr. President. Everyone plays by the same set of rules — and at the end of the game the rich flip over the board and yell, “I win!” – Stephen Colbert

“Donald Trump said he has a “very big” announcement about President Obama that could cost him the election. Yeah, he’s going to endorse him.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump says he will reveal big news about President Obama on Wednesday. Trump said he would have announced it sooner, but faking a Kenyan birth certificate is harder than it looks.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump has a big announcement regarding President Obama. Apparently he has evidence that Obama was born in ‘Romnesia’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“So far for Halloween, sales of Obama masks are 30 percent higher than the sales of Mitt Romney masks. That makes sense. I mean, what’s scarier than four more years of this economy?” – Jay Leno

“Democratic self-loathing has gotten so bad, they’ve changed their symbol … to Eeyore eating a whole cheesecake.” – Stephen Colbert

“Latest polls among registered voters show six percent are undecided. Pick one, come on! Those are the guys you see in the Baskin-Robbins asking for free samples.” – David Letterman


A Rape By Any Other Name

By Brainwrap



© Jen Sorensen

The one thing I haven’t figured out is why they call these things debates. They are more like improv theater.


Late Night Political Humor

“A new Gallup poll shows that Mitt Romney now has a 7 point lead on President Obama. That’s right, Romney leads by 7 points among people who still answer landline calls from a blocked number.” – Seth Meyers

“Gallup had Romney ahead today by 7 points nationally. Big Bird was depressed, he was just pecking at his food.” – Bill Maher

“Both Republicans and Democrats are saying that Latino voters will decide who wins in three key states, Colorado, Florida and Nevada. Or as the candidates are now calling them Colorado, Florida y Nevada.” – Seth Meyers

“Obama is still ahead in the swing states and among women. He is of course losing among men and in any states were you can buy the Confederate flag in a mall.” – Bill Maher

“Reality TV star Honey Boo Boo this week endorsed President Obama during an appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. I knew Obama was pro-birth control, but I didn’t know birth control was pro-Obama.” – Seth Meyers

“Endorsements are rolling in. The Atheist Party has endorsed Obama for president. When told the news Obama said, ‘Thank God’.” – Conan O’Brien

“You can sense the election getting very close. Both candidates are now working very hard to shore up their support among women. In fact, today they both pledged to increase domestic production of Ryan Gosling movies.” – Conan O’Brien

“This week’s debate format was a little different. First of all, there were two debaters.” – Bill Maher

“Yesterday Mitt Romney’s son Tagg said that during the debate he wanted to punch President Obama for calling his father a liar. He also wants to punch his father for giving him the name Tagg.” – Conan O’Brien

“Obama raised his game, so Romney thought he had to bump up his game even more, so he kind of looked like a prick. At one point he said to the President of the United States, ‘Hang on, you’ll get your chance.’ You should not be surprised, the Mormon church has been saying this to black people for decades.” – Bill Maher

“Mitt Romney said he had binders of women made up. But first of all, who else keeps binders of women? Serial killers. Every serial killer movie, the cops bust into the serial killer’s lair and what do they find? Binders of women… and then they open the freezer and a head falls out.” – Bill Maher

“He never answered the question about equal pay for women. An anecdote in not a policy. When asked about equal pay, he said he supports women in the workforce. This is like being asked about ending slavery, and saying, ‘I’m wearing cotton right now.'” – Bill Maher

“The part of the debate I thought was most telling was when Mitt Romney claimed that Obama did not call the Benghazi attack in September an act of terror until two weeks later. And then Obama said, ‘Check the transcript, asshole.’ And then Candy Crowley, the moderator, came in and said, ‘Yes, I was there, it’s true, he did call it that.’ Well, Fox News was pissed off about this. They said, ‘We have seen a lot of low-down dirty debate tricks, but introducing facts!’ And Mitt Romney was furious. He was so mad at Candy Crowley, he took her right out of his lady binder.” – Bill Maher

“The Mormons had good news today. Billy Graham, who is 112, has taken Mormonism off his website’s list of cults. This is typical of Christian right’s stance on Mitt Romney. They still believe he will go to Hell for all eternity but in this life, they’d like a tax cut.” – Bill Maher

“Today Joe Walsh, the douchebag congressman from Illinois said abortion to save the life of a mother, that’s just an excuse. He said modern technology and science make it so you cannot find one instance where there’s dying in child birth. Ladies, before Election Day comes, ask your doctor if the Tea Party is right for you.” – Bill Maher

“Most of the people who will be disenfranchised are black, Latino, young people; basically anyone that can dance.” – Bill Maher (on voter fraud laws)


Why you should vote for Obama

The Des Moines Register had a phone call with Barack Obama about 14 hours after his debate with Mitt Romney, in order to help them decide who to endorse for the presidency. They liked the frank and revealing conversation they had with the president so much that — even though this conversation was off-the-record — they published this editorial asking for permission to post the entire conversation, saying:

The conference call lasted nearly 30 minutes and was an incredibly informative exchange of questions, answers and an insightful glimpse into the president’s vision for a second term. He made a genuine and passionate case for our endorsement and for reelection.

Around an hour later, they had received permission and published a transcript. If you have any doubts at all about whether you should vote for Obama (and even if you don’t) you should go read it now:

I’m not even going to quote from it. Go read it.


Rant ON

I know the season of prevarication is going on longer that most people can stand, but if you want a straight-talking rant, Helen and Margaret are on a roll. They’ve had six delicious posts this month.

The first one started out like this:

Well Margaret, once again I am going to say what the media won’t. Mitt Romney is a lying sack of shit and he wouldn’t know a middle class tax cut if it bit him in the middle of his gold plated ass. Evidently the media seems to think that the person who slings the bullshit the farthest wins the debate. Well if that ain’t the damnest thing.

Who exactly was that man debating the President last night? Clearly somebody finally decided to shake the Etch A Sketch and now Romney is against lowering taxes for the wealthy. He’s also pro choice and for entitlement programs. But what the hell he has against Big Bird is beyond me.

If lying whenever your mouth moves is what they mean by style points then, yes, I would definitely have to say that Romney won the debate. He had to temporarily become a Democrat to do it, but yes he won. And it was clear that even the President didn’t see that one coming.

In the next post, Helen says:

In the primary debates, Romney is on record as saying that he would lower taxes for the wealthiest Americans because that would lead to job growth. That’s not an assumption on my part. It’s almost a direct quote. But in the debate last week, he said that he wouldn’t lower taxes on the wealthy. Now, one of the two is a lie. So shouldn’t we be focusing on which one is the lie rather than on which candidate looked more excited to be there?

Romney actually claims he will lower taxes for everyone. At the same time he will increase defense spending, not cut Medicare or Social Security, keep most of Obamacare (while simultaneously repealing it) and somehow in the end he will decrease the deficit. I don’t know what he’s smoking but I bet its illegal in the Mormon church.

A few posts later, and we get a list of quotes from the Mitt-ster himself, including these:

“I have a gun of my own. I go hunting myself. I’m a member of the NRA and believe firmly in the right to bear arms.” ~ Mitt Romney
“I don’t personally own a gun. My son does.” ~ Mitt Romney
“I think the global warming debate is now pretty much over and people recognize the need associated with providing sources which do not generate the heat that is currently provided by fossil fuels …” ~ Mitt Romney
“I have to tell you with regards to global warming that that’s something, which, you’re right, the scientists haven’t entirely resolved…” ~ Yep. Him again.

There’s more, and it gets better…


Following the Money

I’m sure by now everyone has heard about Mitt Romney saying that our Navy has fewer ships than any time since 1917, and Barack Obama’s quick retort that we also have fewer horses and bayonets (not to mention more aircraft carriers and submarines).

But did you know that Romney’s advisor on Navy issues has personally made millions of dollars from building ships?

Also, the truth is that the number of Navy ships actually went down during the Bush administration, and has gone up under the Obama administration. PolitiFact rated Romney’s claim that the Navy is the smallest it’s been since 1917 as a “pants on fire” lie.


What Republicans Say About Romney

The big question on election day is whether you can buy any election with lots of money. If you can, then we’re doomed.
