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Late Night Political Humor

“Sarah Palin says she’s going to run for President in 2012. 2012. Donald Trump said he’s going to run for President in 2012 against Sarah Palin. Nice to know there will somebody equally unqualified.” – David Letterman

“Now that would be some presidential race. You’ve got Donald Trump and Sarah Palin and the debates. Get there early and get some seats down front for those debates. ‘You’re fired, you becha.'” – David Letterman

“There’s going to be problems when Donald Trump runs. They had a lot of problems with Obama, you wait until Donald Trump runs because the rumor is that thing on his head was not born in this country.” – David Letterman

“Donald Trump wants to see if people think he should run for President. So a website has been launched called ‘’ Yeah, don’t worry the American public has responded with their own website ‘'” – Conan O’Brien

“In an upcoming interview with Barbara Walters, Sarah Palin says she believes she can beat Obama in 2012. The way things are going right now, Bristol Palin could beat Obama in 2012.” – Jay Leno

“I’ll tell you how confident Sarah Palin is. She’s already started writing her inaugural address on her hand.” – Jay Leno

They broke ground at the George W. Bush Presidential Library out there in Dallas. I know you’re snickering already. The guy never read a book in his life but he’s got a library. How does that happen?” – David Letterman

“At the opening of the Bush Presidential Center in Texas, Dick Cheney joked that the center is the only shovel-ready project in America. What about that Dick Cheney taking a buddy hunting? That could be another shovel-ready project.” – Jay Leno

“Bush opening a library, that’s like Kirstie Alley opening a can of diet coke.” – David Letterman

“In a ranking of 35 cities, by ‘Travel and Leisure’ magazine — Los Angeles finished second to last in intelligence. All I can say, thank god for Washington, D.C. Thank god for Washington, D.C.” – Jay Leno

“TSA Chief John Pistole says he and his boss Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano have each personally received the more invasive TSA patdown. They both had it. Ya, it’s been called the world’s least sexy threesome.” – Conan O’Brien



  1. Patricia Andrews wrote:

    “They broke ground at the George W. Bush Presidential Library out there in Dallas. I know you’re snickering already. The guy never read a book in his life but he’s got a library. How does that happen?” – David Letterman” He married a librarian. What was she thinking? Thought I’d try my hand at comedy!

    Wednesday, November 24, 2010 at 9:58 am | Permalink
  2. Iron Knee wrote:

    Good point!

    Wednesday, November 24, 2010 at 10:54 am | Permalink