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Real-time political punditry

Leave it to The Onion to take what is actually reality and push it to its (il)logical and hilarious extreme. Watch this video of hypothetical political pundits who change their tune based on instant feedback from the audience. Is this really so different from what pundits already do, except just a little more real time?



  1. Sammy wrote:

    That was a great way to start my day. The Onion never disappoints.

    Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 9:30 am | Permalink
  2. steve warren wrote:

    ….wasn’t all that long ago, i saw a clip on Olberman of Hannity doing exactly that…totally against something or other until his GOP guest said the opposite, and Hannity immediately began agreeing with him…

    Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 6:08 pm | Permalink
  3. Iron Knee wrote:

    I’d love to see that, Steve, if you can find the video somewhere!

    Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 9:13 pm | Permalink